MPCE 021 COUNSELLING PSYCHOLOGY Solved Assignment 2021-22
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MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22
Define counseling. Describe the process of developing and working in a
counseling relationship.
Counselling falls under the umbrella term ‘talking therapies’ and allows people to discuss their problems and any difficult feelings they encounter in a safe, confidential environment. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 The term can mean different things to different people, but in general, it is a process people seek when they want to change something in their lives, or simply explore their thoughts and feelings in more depth.
A counsellor is not there to sit you down and tell you what to do. Instead, they will encourage you to talk about what's bothering you in order to uncover any root causes and identify your specific ways of thinking. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 The counsellor may then look to create a plan of action to either help you reconcile your issues, or help you to find ways of coping.
Many people will, at some point in
their lives, find themselves in the role of a counsellor without having a true
understanding of the concept of counselling or what the role of the
professional counsellor entails.
There is a big difference between a professional counsellor and a person who uses some counselling skills as part of their role, for example as a friend or colleague. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 A professional counsellor is a highly-trained individual who is able to use a different range of counselling approaches with their clients.
Being self-aware and having the
capability to think and feel emotions with clarity and understanding is part
and parcel of being human. Unlike animals, our thought processes rely on far
more than instinct alone.
Because of this, there is scope for the way we think to become a problem and to affect our emotions. If we go back a few hundred years, we can see that psychological issues were approached with fear and unnecessarily invasive treatments. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Thanks to the evolution of science and technology, we now have a clearer understanding of the human brain and are able to look at these issues in a different way.
Today, the art of talking therapies
such as counselling, are used to help people come to terms with many problems
they are facing, with an ultimate aim of overcoming them.
Counselling can be useful for anyone who wants to explore the way they're thinking or feeling further, as well as for anyone experiencing a problem or issue they are keen to resolve. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 People may choose to speak to a counsellor because they feel they cannot speak to their other half/friends/family about such personal issues, or they may simply wish to speak to a professional with an objective viewpoint.
The most important element in a
counselling relationship, whether a single session or long-term counselling, is
the quality of the relationship between the counsellor and the client. For this
reason, basic counselling courses spend a large amount of time on how to
effectively build relationships.
The structure of counselling helps build relationships by providing expectations. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 This involves setting practical limits like an understanding of the length of sessions, explaining what will happen during each session, letting clients know what they can do in emergencies or high-risk crisis situations, and other elements that impact the procedure of counselling.
The more distressed a client is
when they first come in for counselling, the greater the reduction in distress
they will experience during counselling. (Leibert, 2004)
Edwin Schneidman once said that the more intense the crisis, the less trained an individual needs to be to respond. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 This is why many individuals are talked down from bridges by totally untrained individuals while the management of low-level suicidal ideation requires extensive clinical training.
“Relationship” is a term that has been used in many different situations. It could imply the ties between two people in love, the bond between family members or close friends or colleagues or even the bond between a person and his or her pet. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 In conselling, relationship takes on a more specific meaning. The counsellor establishes rapport with the client based on trust, respect and mutual prupose. When there is good rapport, a positive psychological climate is created and vice-versa. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 The likelihood of desirable outcomes is greater when the psychological climate is positive. Mutual purpose means both the counsellor and client have common goals leading to what has been described as a…show more content… While the other person is talking, we are thinking of something else. "I have to finish that report by tomorrow" When listening to emotionally intense stories, we may get caught up in our own emotional reactions, how we would feel if we were in a similar situation. To listen empathically, you have to set aside as much as you can of your own "stuff" and enter the world of the client. * Let your client know you are listening: Listening is absolutely necessary for counselling, but not sufficient. You could listen intently but the client needs is to know that they are being heard to assure them that telling you their deepest thoughts is safe. To let them know you are listening: * Look at the person and make eye contact * Give the occasional encouraging nod and saying "uh-huh" at appropriate intervals. * Occasionally repeat back what you have heard your client say.
There are many benefits that come from relationship counseling. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 When working with a relationship counselor, you and your partner are able to explore the bigger picture of your relationship and individual interactions. You are given a safe space to explore the patterns of both your individual and couple behavior, as well as find ways to be more conscious of your actions and decisions.
A relationship counsellor, in specific, is a professional trained to listen with empathy and expertise regarding your relationship and individualized challenges. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Our counsellors can help you deal with any negative thoughts and feelings and/or provide objective guidance towards your personal and relationship growth.
Relationship counseling, also called couples therapy or couples’ counseling, is a type of psychotherapy. This type of counseling helps couples of all types to explore, recognize, and resolve conflicts in an MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22effort to improve their relationships and interactions. Through counseling, you can be provided with the tools to make thoughtful and intentional decisions about your relationship.
Highlight the stages in the evolution of psychoanalysis. Describe the
techniques of psychoanalytic therapy.
Psychoanalysis was developed in the late nineteenth century both as a theory and a form of therapy. Based on the premise that unconscious conflicts form the root of psychological issues, psychoanalysis suggests symptoms can be reduced by bringing these conflicts into conscious awareness. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 The theory of psychoanalysis has been criticized and revised numerous times, but it remains one of the most influential approaches in the field of psychology.
Attempts to trace back the history of psychoanalysis invariably lead to one renowned figure–Sigmund Freud. Born in 1856, Freud was a distinguished neurologist whose practice exposed him to individuals with symptoms of a condition similar to somatization, which was called hysteria at the time. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Influenced by the work of fellow neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot, Freud began experimenting with hypnosis in treating these individuals.
As Freud’s interest in hypnosis deepened, he collaborated with Josef Breuer to develop a new form of treatment that centered around helping individuals recall memories of traumatic events that occurred near the time symptoms began. Both Freud and Breuer observed that when people accessed these memories under hypnosis and spoke freely about them, their symptoms diminished. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 In 1895, Freud and Breur published Studies on Hysteria, in which they described several cases of individuals treated through psychoanalysis. This publication is widely regarded as the first contribution to psychoanalytic literature.
After encountering several problems with hypnosis, Freud later abandoned this method in favor of what he termed "free association." MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 By asking individuals to speak freely about whatever came to mind and analyzing these free associations, Freud found he could work his way back to the root of the psychological issues he encountered by uncovering repressed memories. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 He coined the term “psychoanalysis” to describe his new approach to treatment and its theoretical underpinnings.
As time passed, Freud expanded and refined his theory. Although he maintained that sexual trauma affected mental health, he began viewing symptoms primarily as the result of unconscious conflict. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 In 1899, he published The Interpretation of Dreams, in which he described dreams as the result of this conflict. He theorized that dreams are unconscious attempts to work through conflicts or express desires too threatening to be allowed into awareness.
Early in the twentieth century, Freud's ideas began to increase in popularity among other progressive thinkers in Vienna, where he lived and worked. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Notable among these were Alfred Adler, Carl Jung, and Otto Rank, who all became part of the first organized group of psychoanalysts called the Wednesday Psychological Society, later known as The Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. In 1909, Freud travelled to the United States with Jung, where he delivered a series of lectures and spread ideas of psychoanalysis far beyond the boundaries of Vienna. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 However, after a few years, some of Freud's closest associates began protesting several of his key ideas. Some, including Adler and Jung, went on to propose their own theories and methods for psychoanalysis.
As World War I broke out, the psychoanalytic movement received an enormous boost, particularly in Britain. Numerous soldiers were returning from war with symptoms of shell shock, known now as posttraumatic stress (PTSD). MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Psychoanalysis was revealed to be useful for understanding and treating this condition, especially considering the limited options available in the field of psychiatry at the time. The war’s aftermath also prompted Freud to think deeply about the role of aggression in human behavior. Instead of focusing on sexual instincts as the primary motivating force, he adjusted his original theory to include emphasis on what he termed the death instinct. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Despite failing health, Freud continued revising and refining his theory until his death in 1939. By then, the theory and method of psychoanalysis had been established internationally.
Psychoanalysis is a type of therapy
that aims to release pent-up or repressed emotions and memories in or to lead
the client to catharsis, or healing (McLeod, 2014). In other words, the goal of
psychoanalysis is to bring what exists at the unconscious or subconscious level
up to consciousness.
This goal is accomplished through
talking to another person about the big questions in life, the things that
matter, and diving into the complexities that lie beneath the simple-seeming
Psychoanalytic therapy is a form of talk therapy based on Sigmund Freud's theories of psychoanalysis. The approach explores how the unconscious mind influences your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Specifically, it examines how your experiences (often from childhood) may be contributing to your current experience and actions. Psychoanalytic approaches to emotional disorders have advanced a great deal since Freud's time.
Freud described the unconscious as the reservoir of desires, thoughts, and memories that are below the surface of conscious awareness. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 He believed that these unconscious influences could often lead to psychological distress and disturbances.
People undergoing psychoanalytic
therapy often meet with their psychoanalyst at least once a week. They can
remain in therapy for months or even years.
Psychoanalysts use a variety of
techniques to gain insight into your behavior. Some of the more popular
techniques include:
· Dream interpretation: According
to Freud, dream analysis is by far the most important psychoanalytic
technique. He often referred to dreams as "the royal road to the
unconscious." 1 Psychoanalysts may interpret dreams to get
insight into the workings of your unconscious mind.
· Free association: Free association is an
exercise during which the psychoanalyst encourages you to freely share your
thoughts. This can lead to the emergence of unexpected connections and
· Transference: Transference occurs when you project your feelings about another person onto the psychoanalyst. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 You'll then interact with them as if they were that other person. This technique can help your psychoanalyst understand how you interact with others.
Psychoanalysts spend a lot of time
listening to people talk about their lives, which is why this method is often
referred to as "the talking cure."
Describe the therapeutic process and goals of SFBT.
Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) places focus on a person's present and future circumstances and goals rather than past experiences. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 In this goal-oriented therapy, the symptoms or issues bringing a person to therapy are typically not targeted.
Instead, a qualified
therapist encourages those in treatment to develop a vision of the future
and offers support as they determine the skills, resources, and abilities
needed to achieve that vision successfully.
The need for an alternative approach to therapy was recognized as mental health practitioners began to observe the amount of energy, time, money, and other resources spent discussing and analyzing the challenges revealed during the therapy process, while the issues originally bringing an individual to therapy continued to have a negative impact. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg of the Brief Family Therapy Center in Milwaukee, along with their team, developed solution-focused brief therapy in the early 1980s in response to this observation. SFBT aims to develop realistic solutions as quickly as possible, rather than keeping people in therapy for long periods of time, in order to promote lasting relief for those in therapy.
SFBT developed into the fast, effective treatment modality it is today over approximately three decades, and it continues to evolve and change in order to meet the needs of those in therapy. Currently, therapists in the United States, Canada, South America, Asia, and Europe are trained in the approach. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 The principles of solution-focused therapy have been applied to a wide variety of environments including schools, places of employment, and other settings where people are eager to reach personal goals and improve interpersonal relationships.
SFBT, which aims to help people experiencing difficulty find tools they can use immediately to manage symptoms and cope with challenges, is grounded in the belief that although individuals may already have the skills to create change in their lives, they often need help identifying and developing those skills. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Similarly, SFBT recognizes that people already know, on some level, what change is needed in their lives, and SFBT practitioners work to help the people in their care clarify their goals. Practitioners of SFBT encourage individuals to imagine the future they desire and then work to collaboratively develop a series of steps that will help them achieve those goals. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 In particular, therapists can help those in treatment identify a time in life when a current issue was either less detrimental or more manageable and evaluate what factors were different or what solutions may have been present in the past.
This form of therapy involves first
developing a vision of one’s future and then determining how internal abilities
can be enhanced in order to attain the desired outcome. Therapists who
practice SFBT attempt to guide people in therapy through the process
of recognizing what is working for them, help them explore how best to continue
practicing those strategies, and encourage them to acknowledge and celebrate
success. In addition, practitioners of SFBT support people in therapy
as they experiment with new problem-solving approaches.
In SFBT, counselors ask specific types of question to guide the session. Coping questions, for example, can help demonstrate to those in therapy their resiliency and the number of ways in which they are capable of coping with challenges in their lives. An example might be,MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 “How do you manage, in the face of such difficulty, to fulfill your daily obligations?” This can help people recognize their skills in coping with adversity.
Miracle questions help people envision a future in which the problem is absent. In essence, this line of questioning allows people to explain how their lives would look different if the problem did not exist, which can help them identify small, practical steps they can take immediately toward change. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 For example, the person in therapy might describe a feeling of ease with family members and believe this ease can only be felt if the present problem were absent. Imagining a scenario where the present problem does not exist can remind people behavioral changes are possible and allow them to see what can be done to create change in their lives.
Scaling questions use a scale from 0–10 to assess present circumstances, progress, or how one is viewed by others. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 These kinds of questions are often used when there is insufficient time to explore the miracle question and they can help a therapist to gain insight into the hopefulness, motivation, and confidence of people in therapy. In addition, people who have difficulty verbalizing their experiences may find this approach less challenging.
SFBT has been used successfully in
individual therapy and with both families and couples. Developed with the
primary intention of helping those in therapy to find solutions to challenges,
the approach has expanded to address issues in other areas of life, such as schools
and workplaces. Individuals from different cultures, backgrounds, and age
groups have all been shown to benefit from this type of therapy.
SFBT can be used to treat a wide range of issues. It is most often used to address challenges for which the person in therapy already has some idea of possible solutions. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 In SFTB, the person seeking treatment is considered the "expert" on their concerns, and the therapist encourages the individual to envision their solution, or what change would look like, and then outline the steps necessary to solve problems and achieve goals. Because this modality focuses on solutions to issues, rather than the reasons behind them, it may be more effective at treating some concerns than others.
Research has shown SFBT may be a helpful intervention for youth who are experiencing behavioral concerns or academic/school-related concerns. It has also proven effective as an approach to family therapy and couples counseling. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 This method is often used in conjunction with other approaches.
SFBT may not be
recommended for those who are experiencing severe mental health
To be eligible for consideration, all applicants must be able to practice solution-focused therapy in a professional setting. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 This means counselors, therapists, teachers, coaches, or other applicants who work with people to improve their mental health must have access to a professional environment deemed suitable by the training institute. Individual IASTI member institutes have specific requirements for acceptance into the certification program.
Training in solution-focused brief
therapy helps applicants learn core principles, master
relevant therapeutic skills, and demonstrate competency in the practice
of SFBT. At the end of training, each applicant must successful pass an
IASTI-approved exam to earn certification.
While there are a number of people in therapy and practitioners who report the effectiveness of solution-focused brief therapy, some concerns have, over the years, presented themselves. One major criticism of the modality is that its quick, goal-oriented nature may not allow therapists the necessary time to empathize with what people in treatment are experiencing. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 As such, those in therapy may feel misunderstood if the therapist is not meeting them on their emotional level.
A second concern is the
way SFBT seems to simply discard or ignore information deemed important by
other treatment modalities. For example, in this type of therapy a relationship
between the adverse issues people face and the changes necessary to foster
improvement is not assumed, and any underlying reasons for maladaptive thoughts
and/or behaviors are not explored in a typical SFBT session. Individuals
wishing to explore these reasons may find it more helpful to seek a type of therapy
that addresses these concerns, though they may do so while also receiving
Though there are positive reports about the efficacy of solution-focused therapy and preliminary research findings suggest people who utilize this type of treatment often see better results than those who do not seek therapy, more research needs to be done in order to provide empirical support for the approach. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Studies providing substantial objective validity of the effectiveness of SFBT will lend more credence to its establishment as a popular form of treatment.
Explain the ego defense mechanisms with examples.
10 Defense Mechanisms
Sigmund Freud's daughter, Anna
Freud, described 10 different defense mechanisms used by the
ego. Other researchers have also described a wide variety of additional
defense mechanisms.
Have you ever had a really bad day
at work and then gone home and taken out your frustration with family and
friends? Then you have experienced the ego defense mechanism
of displacement.
Denial is an outright refusal to
admit or recognize that something has occurred or is currently occurring.
People living with drug or alcohol addiction often deny that they have a
problem, while victims of traumatic events may deny that the event ever
Repression and Suppression
Repression is another well-known defense mechanism. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Repression acts to keep information out of conscious awareness. However, these memories don't just disappear; they continue to influence our behavior. For example, a person who has repressed memories of abuse suffered as a child may later have difficulty forming relationships.
Sublimation is a defense
mechanism that allows us to act out unacceptable impulses by converting these
behaviors into a more acceptable form. For example, a person experiencing
extreme anger might take up kick-boxing as a means of venting frustration.
Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 For example, if you have a strong dislike for someone, you might instead believe that they do not like you. Projection works by allowing the expression of the desire or impulse, but in a way that the ego cannot recognize, therefore reducing anxiety.
Intellectualization works to
reduce anxiety by thinking about events in a cold, clinical way.7
Rationalization is a defense
mechanism that involves explaining an unacceptable behavior or feeling in a
rational or logical manner, avoiding the true reasons for the behavior.
When confronted by stressful
events, people sometimes abandon coping strategies and revert to patterns of
behavior used earlier in development.
Reaction Formation
Reaction formation reduces
anxiety by taking up the opposite feeling, impulse, or behavior.3 An example
of reaction formation would be treating someone you strongly dislike in an
excessively friendly manner in order to hide your true feelings.
Other Defense Mechanisms
Since Freud first described the
original defense mechanisms, other researchers have continued to describe other
methods of reducing anxiety. Some of these defense mechanisms include:
· Acting out:
Coping with stress by engaging in actions rather than acknowledging and bearing
certain feelings
· Aim
inhibition: Accepting a modified form of their original goal (e.g., becoming a
high school basketball coach rather than a professional athlete)
· Altruism: Satisfying
internal needs through helping others
· Avoidance:
Refusing to deal with or encounter unpleasant objects or situations
· Compensation:
Overachieving in one area to compensate for failures in another
· Dissociation:
Becoming separated or removed from one's experience
· Fantasy:
Avoiding reality by retreating to a safe place within one's mind
· Humor:
Pointing out the funny or ironic aspects of a situation
· Passive-aggression:
Indirectly expressing anger
· Undoing: Trying
to make up for what one feels are inappropriate thoughts, feelings, or
behaviors (e.g., if you hurt someone's feelings, you might offer to do
something nice for them in order to assuage your anxiety or guilt)
While defense mechanisms are often
thought of as negative reactions, we all need them to temporarily ease stress
and protect self-esteem during critical times, allowing us to focus on what is
necessary at the moment.
Some of these defenses can be more
helpful than others. For example, utilizing humor to overcome a stressful,
anxiety-provoking situation can actually be an adaptive defense mechanism.
Discuss the goals and techniques of gestalt approach to counseling.
Gestalt, by definition, refers to the form or shape of something and suggests that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 There is an emphasis on perception in this particular theory of counseling. Gestalt therapy gives attention to how we place meaning and make sense of our world and our experiences.
Gestalt therapy was developed by
Fritz Perls, with the help of his wife at the time, Laura Perls, and introduced
in the 1940s as an alternative to more traditional psychoanalysis. Both
Fritz and Laura were trained in psychoanalysis and gestalt psychology.
Along with others, such as Paul
Goodman, they worked together to develop a style of therapy that
was humanistic in nature. In other words, the approach focused on the
person and the uniqueness of their experience.
Gestalt Therapy is an approach to mental wellness that helps people resolve past conflicts and become more present. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 When you move from beyond the past, you can find peace in the present and enrich your interactions in the world around you. Read on to learn about Gestalt Therapy and what Gestalt means and how it can help people address symptoms of mental health conditions.
Gestalt Therapy (GT) centers around
the present. Participants learn to tune into their inner selves, release the
past, and engage with the present. Instead of worrying about the past or the future,
GT focuses on the here and now.
Some forms of therapy are heavily invested in history. Approaches such as psychoanalysis and other disciplines rooted in Freudianism may focus on the way someone's past impacts their present state. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 People working with therapists who practice these methods will spend a lot of time discussing and analyzing things that happened in the past. In GT, however, the goal is for clients to become more self-aware.
Gestalt therapy was founded by Laura Perls, Paul Goodman, and Fritz Perls. They developed the process in the 1940s. Then, they released a book that outlined this approach to wellness in the 1950s. GT was the result of research into a variety of systems, including Eastern religions, physics of the world, and systems theory. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 As a result, this form of therapy is rather unique. Since its inception, it has become increasingly popular, spreading among multiple demographics across the globe. Now, it's an influential form of therapy.
The word gestalt is a German word that means "shape/form" or "whole." In other words, it focuses on the entirety of a person. The founders of GT believed that we must look at humans as a whole, not just in segmented parts. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Therefore, the practice focuses on how the whole person feels at any given moment, so they can relieve internal issues or unresolved tension.
According to Gestalt Therapy, emotions can only be resolved if they are discussed in the present. The release of emotions, both internally and externally, is the primary way that participants heal with this type of therapy. Instead of focusing on achievement and meeting expectations, people learn to understand themselves and their desires. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 This can build confidence and alleviate stress, which ultimately leads to good mental health.
Describe the ethical principles of counseling.
The "ethical principles" that guide the helping professions: autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, fidelity, and veracity. Autonomy is a right to self-determination of choice and freedom from the control of others. The necessary conditions for autonomy are voluntariness, competence, and full disclosure of information. Beneficence involves a more active concept of contributing to the well-being of others, whereas nonmaleficence involves being passive or refraining from taking some action that might harm another. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 The concept of justice involves fairness and equality in access to resources and treatment. Promise keeping, keeping commitments, and loyalty are characteristics of the principle of fidelity. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 The ACA Code of Ethics defines veracity as "dealing truthfully with individuals with whom counselors come into professional contact". Honesty is the principal characteristic of the principle of veracity. The chapter then defines the basic relationship between ethical principles and the ethical principle intellectual movement in counseling and psychotherapy.
Kitchener (1984) has identified
five moral principles which often help to clarify the issues involved in a
given situation. The five principles are: autonomy, justice, beneficence,
1) Being trustworthy (fidelity): It involves the notions of loyalty, faithfulness, and honoring commitments. Being trustworthy is regarded as fundamental to understanding and resolving ethical issues. Practitioners who adopt this principle: MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 act in accordance with the trust placed in them; strive to ensure that clients’ expectations are ones that have reasonable prospects of being met; honor their agreements and promises; regard confidentiality as an obligation arising from the client’s trust; restrict any disclosure of confidential information about clients to furthering the purposes for which it was originally disclosed.
2) Autonomy: The essence of this principle is allowing an individual the freedom of choice and action. This principle emphasises the importance of developing a client’s ability to be self-directing within therapy and all aspects of life. It addresses the responsibility of the counselor to encourage clients, when appropriate, to make their own decisions and to act on their own values. There are two important considerations in encouraging clients to be autonomous. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 First, helping the client to understand how their decisions and their values may or may not be received within the context of the society in which they live, and how they may impinge on the rights of others. The second consideration is related to the client’s ability to make sound and rational decisions. The principle of autonomy opposes the manipulation of clients against their will, even for beneficial social ends.
3) Beneficence: The principle of beneficence means acting in the best interests of the client based on professional assessment. Beneficence reflects the counselor’s responsibility to contribute to the welfare of the client. Simply stated it means to do good, to be proactive and also to prevent harm when possible (Forester-Miller & Rubenstein, 1992). MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 It directs attention to working strictly within one’s limits of competence and providing services on the basis of adequate training or experience. There is an obligation to use regular and on-going supervision to enhance the quality of the services provided and to commit to updating practice by continuing professional development. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 An obligation to act in the best interests of a client may become paramount when working with clients whose capacity for autonomy is diminished because of immaturity, lack of understanding, extreme distress, serious disturbance or other significant personal constraints.
Explain counseling for child abuse.
Child abuse is a serious issue
and our society is plagued with it. Child abuse is not just physical, but it
can be emotional, sexual and even when the person who is responsible for taking
care of the child, ignores him or her or mistreats the child. A single sign of
mistreatment is not child abuse. But If the mistreatment is happening
repeatedly then it is child abuse.
The latest data
by National Crime Records Bureau reveals the shocking number of 25%
of rapes in children in year 2015 were committed by their employers or co
workers. Surprisingly, ratio of women who were sexually abused were much lower
to the ratio of males.
Interestingly, 488 cases saw the victim raped by grandfathers, brothers, fathers and even sons. At 55% and 49% respectively, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat reported the highest number of child workplace sexual abuse cases. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 The number of cases registered for child abuse raised from 8,904 in the year 2014 to 14,913 in the MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 year 2015, under the POSCO Act. Sexual offences and kidnapping account for 81% of the crimes against minors.
These numbers shows that child
abuse is a serious issue in our society. These were the cases which were
reported. But many doesn’t even come to notice or parents don’t report them to
save guard their image in society. It happens at every socioeconomic level and
across country, irrespective of the level of education.
Because of child neglect, mal treatment and abuse the child may suffer from cognitive delays, emotional difficulties, poor development of immune system, and severe health and emotional problems as adults. MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 It is important to recognize, help prevent and report suspected child abuse and neglect because its lasting effects can impact us all.
Diagnosing abuse or neglect could
be a challenging task. A careful evaluation needs to be done of the situation,
which also includes physical and psychological tests. If severe, state
authorities may also get involved to investigate the suspected.
A proper physical examination needs to be done where the injuries are are evaluated. A detailed case history about the child, his mental and developmental history is taken from various sources. Child’s behaviour is put under observation. IGNOU MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 The interaction between the child and his caregiver or parents is also analysed.
Treatment comprises of medical
care, psychotherapy and provide proper information to the child and parents so
that the abuse doesn’t take place further and the long term physical and
psychological consequences can be dealt with properly.
Explain addictive behavior and the process of developing addiction.
Addiction can occur in many forms. IGNOU MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Often, it is assumed that physical dependence characterized by withdrawal symptoms is required in order for someone to be diagnosed with an addiction disorder, but the fact is that behavioral addiction can occur with all the negative consequences in a person’s life minus the physical issues faced by people who compulsively engage in drug and alcohol abuse.
It is the compulsive nature of the behavior that is often indicative of a behavioral addiction, or process addiction, in an individual. IGNOU MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 The compulsion to continually engage in an activity or behavior despite the negative impact on the person’s ability to remain mentally and/or physically healthy and functional in the home and community defines behavioral addiction. The person may find the behavior rewarding psychologically or get a “high” while engaged in the activity but may later feel guilt, remorse, or even overwhelmed by the consequences of that continued choice. IGNOU MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Unfortunately, as is common for all who struggle with addiction, people living with behavioral addictions are unable to stop engaging in the behavior for any length of time without treatment and intervention.
Process addiction, also known as behavioral addiction, is an addiction characterized by a strong impulse to partake in a specific behavior. An individual with a process addiction engages in this behavior even when it results in harmful consequences to an individual’s emotional, interpersonal or physical well-being. Process addictions do not involve drugs or alcohol. IGNOU MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Instead, the behaviors themselves provide a natural reward or emotional high. Behavioral addictions are fueled by compulsive behaviors that cause distress across all areas of a person’s life. As with any addictive behaviors, those with process addiction are unable to refrain from taking part in the behavior and require treatment and intervention to stop.
Although most people associate
addiction with substances, addictions can occur without the involvement of
substances. These addictions are habitual and provide a person with an
emotional high, which keeps the person engaging in that behavior. Process
addictions are classified as compulsive and addictive behaviors that are
detrimental to a person’s well-being. Despite the negative consequences, a
person will continue to partake in the behavior and may feel shame and remorse
after doing so.
While process addictions don’t involve substances, they share similar characteristics with drug or alcohol addiction. Like substance addictions, people with process addictions are unable to control themselves and cannot stop themselves from engaging in certain behaviors. IGNOU MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Also similar to substance addictions, a person with a process addiction will remain fixated on a behavior and go to great lengths to avoid the feelings of discomfort that would result from stopping the action. A person with a process addiction will continue to partake in a behavior despite the adverse outcomes that it may cause, which is a hallmark of both types of addictions.
Counselling and Psychotherapy
Technically speaking, "counselor" means "advisor." It involves two people working together to solve a problem. It is a term that is used in conjunction with many types of advice giving. IGNOU MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 For example, financial planning and spiritual guidance are both types of counseling.
"Psychotherapy" on the
other hand is generally a longer-term treatment that focuses more on gaining
insight into chronic physical and emotional problems. Its focus is on the
person's thought processes, and how these may be influenced by past events such
that they cause problems in the present.
ABC model of CBT
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
is a form of talking therapy which can be used to treat people with a wide
range of mental health problems.
CBT is based on the idea that how
we think (cognition), how we feel (emotion) and how we act (behavior) all
interact together. Specifically, our thoughts determine our feelings and
our behavior.
When using the ABC model, your therapist helps you explore the connection between B and C. IGNOU MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 They’ll focus on your behavioral or emotional responses and the automatic beliefs that might be behind them. Your therapist will then help you reevaluate these beliefs.
Aversion therapy
Aversion therapy, sometimes called
aversive therapy or aversive conditioning, is used to help a person give up a
behavior or habit by having them associate it with something unpleasant.
Aversion therapy is most known for
treating people with addictive behaviors, like those found in alcohol use
disorder. Most research has been focused on its benefits relating to substance
This type of therapy is
controversial and research is mixed. Aversion therapy isn’t often a first-line
treatment and other therapies are preferred.
How long the therapy lasts for has
also been criticized, as outside of the therapy, relapse may occur.
Empathy is the capacity to
understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame
of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in another's
position. Definitions of empathy encompass a broad range
of emotional states. Types of empathy include cognitive empathy,
emotional (or affective) empathy, somatic, and spiritual empathy.
Signs and symptoms of depression
Being unhappy isn’t the same as being depressed. Depression is a term often used loosely to describe how we feel after a bad week at work or when we’re going through a breakup. But major depressive disorder — a type of depression — is much more complicated. IGNOU MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 There are specific symptoms that determine whether it’s depression or the sadness we all sometimes experience in life.
Determining if persistent,
unshakable dark feelings are a result of depression can be the first step
toward healing and recovery. Read through these warning signs to see if it’s
time for you to see a mental health professional.
Diagnosis of anorexia nervosa
Anorexia nervosa is a life-threatening eating disorder. It is defined as self-starvation in order to maintain an abnormally low body weight. Low body weight is described as weighing less than the minimum that is considered normal for the person’s age, sex, stage of growth and development, and physical health. Individuals with anorexia nervosa have an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat and have a distorted self-image of their body weight and shape. IGNOU MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Extreme weight loss in people with anorexia nervosa can lead to dangerous health problems and even death.
Triggers of binge eating
Individuals who binge-eat tend to
have higher levels of body dissatisfaction and body preoccupation. Negative
feelings about one’s body may lead to extreme dieting (which then leads to
over-eating), low self-esteem, depressed mood, isolation.
Of course, there are many other triggers to over-eating or binge-eating and each individual’s unique picture is important to understand thoroughly. IGNOU MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Treatment is structured to combat triggers to binge eating primarily through strategies to support regular, consistent, flexible eating and skills to cope effectively with negative mood states and problematic self-talk. In a future blog, I will outline some of these strategies. Stay tuned.
Schizoid personality
Schizoid personality disorder is an
uncommon condition in which people avoid social activities and consistently shy
away from interaction with others. They also have a limited range of emotional
If you have schizoid personality disorder, you may be seen as a loner or dismissive of others, and you may lack the desire or skill to form close personal relationships. IGNOU MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Because you don't tend to show emotion, you may appear as though you don't care about others or what's going on around you.
The cause of schizoid personality
disorder is unknown. Talk therapy, and in some cases medications, can help.
Cyclothymic personality
Most people have heard of bipolar disorder (manic depressive disorder), where individuals experience cycles of highs and lows (mania and depression). But, what is cyclothymia (cyclothymic disorder)? Cyclothymia is a rare mood disorder which has similar characteristics of bipolar disorder, just in a milder and more chronic form. IGNOU MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 If you are suffering from cyclothymia, you experience cyclic highs and lows that are persistent for at least two years or more. With cyclothymic disorder, your lows are a mild depression – not characteristic of full major depression. IGNOU MPCE 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Your highs are classified as symptomatic of hypomania – a less severe form of mania. During your highs, your mood elevates for a time before returning to its baseline. During your lows you feel mildly depressed. In between your elevated and depressed moods, you are likely to feel like yourself.
Avoidant personality disorder
Avoidant personality
disorder is characterized by feelings of extreme social inhibition,
inadequacy, and sensitivity to negative criticism and rejection. Yet the
symptoms involve more than simply being shy or socially awkward. Avoidant
personality disorder causes significant problems that affect the ability to
interact with others and maintain relationships in day-to-day life. About 1% of
the general population has avoidant personality disorder.
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