Discuss the relationship between theory and paradigm.
A “theory” is an evidence to the happenings within the
world. it's not just an assumption, instead theory is predicated on scientific
facts. There are many theories till now to elucidate various things like the
evolution of the fashionable world, globalization etc. Hence theories are
considered as a creation of latest knowledge.
In the initial phases of formation of theories, most of the
theories are incomplete or completing with each other . Later theories became
prominent. and a few theories emerged as dominant and got all the eye . This
set of dominant theories is named as “Paradigm”, consistent with Thomus Kuhn.
Hence paradigm is far broader than a theory.
A paradigm may be a set of beliefs and theories that a
society possesses. this is often the reason for paradigm having two aspects.
the primary one is that the “global paradigm“, which is that the set of beliefs
and values the the entire world believes in. And there are local versions. Some
societies accept as true with global beliefs and a few don't .
World is changing at a quick pace. Hence new theories will
inherit existence and a few theories become redundant, and a few other theories
will become false by the new theories and can be rejected if found wrong. this
is often called as “paradigm shift“, consistent with Thomus Kuhn.
Paradigms acts as frameworks for the creation of latest
theories. Functionalism, structuralism and Marxism are some samples of
paradigms. for instance , Marxist paradigm looks at society as two classes –
Capitalist class and dealing class. Discuss the relationship between theory and paradigm. “Social conflict theory” is made supported
Marxist paradigm. While forming new theories, sociologists check out things
during a perspective set by paradigms. And paradigm is that the set of up to
date theories. Hence theories and paradigms are interconnected.
There are many various definitions of paradigm and theory,
and that i will only present here a number of them with which I mainly agree.
First Kuhn (1962) used the term paradigm to explain normal
science. However Masterman (1970) documented twenty-one different meanings of
the term “paradigm” in Kuhn’s work , but Kuhn himself eventually distinguished
between two principal meanings: “On the one hand, it stands for the whole
constellation of beliefs, values, techniques then on shared by the members of a
given community. On the opposite , it denotes one kind of element therein
constellation, the concrete puzzle-solutions which, employed as models or as
examples, can replace explicit rules as a basis for the answer of the remaining
puzzles of normal science” (Kuhn, 1970). Discuss the relationship between theory and paradigm. The notion that we advance here
differs slightly from those formulated by Kuhn. It actually addresses the
subsequent question: how can we move from experienced phenomena to the
scientific object as defined by Gilles-Gaston Granger (1994)? For this
philosopher, “the complex life experience grasped within the experience of
sensitive things has become the thing of a mechanics and a physics, for
instance , when the thought was conceived of reducing it to an abstract model,
initially comprising only spatiality, time, and ‘resistance’ to motion.” And he
recognizes that this object doesn't benefit at the outset from a particular and
general definition of its content. as an example , sciences like physics and
biology perform successive elaborations of their objects, as illustrated by the
transition from Newton’s physics to Einstein’s general theory of relativity .
Likewise, demography has spelled out its object by means of successive
paradigms, which specified various sorts of relationships between the observed
phenomena and therefore the scientific object (Courgeau and Franck, 2007).
Boudon (1970)distinguished between "theories within the
strict meaning of the term" and paradigms or "theories within the
broad meaning of the term". The strict meaning of theory corresponds to
the notion of a hyothetically deductive system and is more resricted than the
massive one. I mainly accept as true with this distinction.
Paradigm is that the point of reference for a theory. it's a
framework or structure that embodies tons of theories with a generic
explanation for the intellectually disciplined crowd. they need a more general
approach as they're philosophical.
The theory is verified hypothesis with various
scientifically proven results for support. Thy is taken into account to be the
creation of latest knowledge as they assist within the explanation of the
prevailing phenomenon and also helps in predicting phenomenon .
Paradigm is philosophical and features a general approach
thereto since it doesn't have any proof of existence. Therefore, it also can be
considered as a framework or structure for developing a theory.
A paradigm are often considered to be in philosophical also
as scientific sense. It shows the truth in several perspectives for the
intellectually disciplined crowd. Discuss the relationship between theory and paradigm. Discuss the relationship between theory and paradigm. This provides a way of understanding of varied
aspects of nature.
Two paradigms are often correlated. In science, we've
absolute truth and through such cases, two paradigms cannot stand together and
this phenomenon is named a paradigm shift.
It is ideological and also features a more specific approach.
this is often because the ultimate statement of a theory can't be changed
unless the idea is proved wrong. Unlike paradigm, a theory are often proven wrong
since it's more specific.
Theory also can be classified consistent with the sector
they're getting used in but the foremost known type is that the theory . This
includes all the statements, hypothesis and postulates that are proven from the
Theories are usually used for explaining the prevailing
phenomenon. it's also used for predicting phenomenon . Scientifically, it's
said to be statements or explanations of a recurring phenomenon that has been
proved repeatedly through scientific calculations, research and hypothesis.
The paradigm means a point of reference to develop a theory
whereas the idea is taken into account to be a verified hypothesis. it's an
outlined statement to prove a hypothesis.
Paradigm can't be given as a press release but only be used
as a framework of reference for developing a theory. A theory is taken into
account to be the creation of latest knowledge as each theory gives a special
The utility of the 2 is additionally different. While the
paradigm is employed to supply a general explanation or showing perspective
reality to the intellectually disciplined, a theory is employed to define and
explain an existing phenomenon and also helps in predicting phenomenon .
A paradigm can't be changed because it's an embodiment of
the many theories albeit it's not accurate. But a theory, on the opposite hand,
are often tested and falsified bringing more knowledge and skill to make it.
A paradigm usually contains experimental, observational and
research theories to support its framework. Once the framework is completed ,
it's required to be scientifically proven to be a theory. So it includes
scientifically proven result.
The theory is ideological because we are taking one
particular topic or idea from the paradigm while paradigm is philosophical
because it involves a basic structure with no proven thesis or statement.
Since paradigm is merely a framework or structure, the
approach is general. It doesn't involve intense research as within the case of
theory. But theory is more generic, or specific to a subject .
Paradigm is that the structure or framework for a theory to
develop from it. they're also considered to be an embodiment of varied theories
and ideologies for them. Most of the theories are developed from the initial
The theory is that the properly researched and proven
statement that's supported by a hypothesis. But within the case of a theory,
they will be tested and proven wrong. the idea is additionally considered to be
the creation of latest knowledge which will be developed further with more
The difference between paradigm and theory is that while
paradigm features a more general approach because it's not backed by any
research materials, a theory is restricted with a press release and research
materials for proof.
Each researcher is guided by their own approach to the
research itself. it's said that Mill was the primary who called representatives
of social sciences to compete with ancient sciences, promising that if his
advice was followed, the sudden maturity in these sciences would seem . within
the same way as their education appeared from philosophical and theological
frames that limited them. Social sciences accepted this recommendation
(probably to A level that might have surprised Mill himself if he were alive)
for other reasons also . Research philosophy are often defined because the
development of research assumption, its knowledge, and nature . Discuss the relationship between theory and paradigm. the idea is
perceived as a preliminary statement of reasoning, but it's supported the
philosophizing person’s knowledge and insights that are born as a product of
intellectual activity. Hitchcock and Hughes also claim that research stems from
assumptions. this suggests that different researchers may have different
assumptions about the character of truth and knowledge and its acquisition.
research project philosophy may be a method which, when applied, allows the
scientists to get ideas into knowledge within the context of research. There
are four main trends of research philosophy that are distinguished and
discussed within the works by many authors: the positivist research philosophy,
interpretivist research philosophy, pragmatist research philosophy, and
realistic research philosophy.
Positivist research philosophy. It Each researcher is guided
by their own approach to the research itself. it's said that Mill was the
primary who called representatives of social sciences to compete with ancient
sciences, promising that if his advice was followed, the sudden maturity in
these sciences would seem . within the same way as their education appeared
from philosophical and theological frames that limited them. Social sciences
accepted this recommendation (probably to A level that might have surprised
Mill himself if he were alive) for other reasons also . Discuss the relationship between theory and paradigm. Research philosophy are
often defined because the development of research assumption, its knowledge,
and nature. the idea is perceived as a preliminary statement of reasoning, but
it's supported the philosophizing person’s knowledge and insights that are born
as a product of intellectual activity. Hitchcock and Hughes also claim that
research stems from assumptions. this suggests that different researchers may
have different assumptions about the character of truth and knowledge and its
acquisition . research project philosophy may be a method which, when applied,
allows the scientists to get ideas into knowledge within the context of
research. There are four main trends of research philosophy that are
distinguished and discussed within the works by many authors: the positivist
research philosophy, interpretivist research philosophy, pragmatist research
philosophy, and realistic research philosophy.
The opposite to the above-mentioned research philosophy is
that the interpretivist research philosophy, when a researcher states that on
the idea of the principles it's tough to know the social world. Interpretivist
research philosophy says that the social world are often interpreted during a
subjective manner. the best attention here is given to understanding of the
ways through which individuals experience the social world. Discuss the relationship between theory and paradigm. Interpretivist
research philosophy is predicated on the principle which states that the
researcher performs a selected role in observing the social world. consistent
with this research philosophy, the research is predicated and depends on what
the researcher’s interests are.