Write a note on modern political theory
Political theory may be a set of specified relationships
encompassing political matters that focus and organize inquiry to explain ,
explain, and predict political events and behaviours. political orientation is
taken into account because the basis and branch of politics which attempts to
reach generalizations, inferences, or conclusions to be drawn from the info
gathered by other specialists, not only in politics , but throughout the entire
range of human knowledge and knowledge . From ancient Greece to this , the
history of political orientation has addressed fundamental and perennial ideas
of politics . political orientation reflects upon political phenomenon,
processes and institutions and on actual political behaviour by subjecting it
to philosophical or ethical criterion. the foremost dominant political theories
realise all three goals like describe, explain, and predict. The theories are
the results of thoughts and research of the many scholars and exponents of
politics . Write a note on modern political theory Thinkers on the topic formulate definitions of varied political concepts
and establish theories.
Germino described that 'Political theory is that the most
appropriate term to use in designating that intellectual tradition which
affirms the likelihood of transcending the sphere of immediate practical
concerns and viewing man's societal existence from a critical perspective.'
consistent with Sabine, ‘Political theory is, quite simply, man's attempts to
consciously understand and solve the issues of his group life and organization.
it's the disciplined investigation of political problems not only to point out
what a political practice is, but also to point out what it means. Write a note on modern political theory In showing
what a practice means, or what it need to mean, political orientation can alter
what it's .’
David Held described
that "Political theory may be a network of concepts and generalizations
about political life involving ideas, assumptions and statements about the
character , purpose and key features of state , state and society, and about
the political capabilities of citizenry ." WC Coker explained political
orientation as "When political government and its forms and activities are
studied not simply as facts to be described and compared and judged in regard
to their immediate and temporary effects, but as facts to be understood and
appraised in reference to the constant needs, desires and opinions of men, then
we've political orientation ." consistent with Andrew Hacker, “Political
Theory may be a combination of a disinterested look for the principles of
excellent state and good society on the one hand, and a disinterested look for
knowledge of political and social reality on the opposite ." George Catlin
stated that “Political theory includes politics and political philosophy. While
science refers to the phenomenon of control in many forms over all the
processes of whole social field. it's concerned with the top or final value,
when man asks, what the national good is" or “What is sweet society."
John Plamentaz delineates political orientation in functional terms and said
that “The function of political orientation has come to be restricted to the
analysis and clarification of the vocabulary of politics and therefore the
critical examination, verification and justification of the concepts employed
in political argument." Another theorists, Norman Barry defined that
Write a note on modern political theory “Political theory is an electrical subject which pulls upon a spread of
disciplines. there's no body of data or method of study which may be classified
as belonging exclusively to political orientation ."
The study of politics and within the process of look for
political truth certain procedure must be followed. These procedures are
defined as approaches, methods, techniques and methods . Approaches to review
politics are grouped as traditional and modern approaches.
Traditional approaches are value based. These approaches put
emphasis on values more that facts. Advocates of this approaches believe that
the study of politics cannot and will not be purely scientific. They stated
that in science like facts values are closely related with one another . In
politics, emphasis shouldn't get on the facts but on the moral quality of
political event. Write a note on modern political theory There are huge number of traditional approaches like
philosophical, institutional, legal, and historical approaches.
1. Traditional approaches are largely normative and stresses
on the values of politics.
2. Emphasis is on the study of various political structures.
3. Traditional approaches made little or no plan to relate
theory and research.
4. These approaches believe that since facts and values are
closely interlinked, studies in politics can never be scientific.
1. Philosophical Approach: This approach is taken into
account because the oldest approach within the arena of politics . the event of
this approach are often traced back to the days of the Greek philosophers like
Plato and Aristotle. Leo Strauss was one among the most supporter of the
philosophical approach. He considered that “the philosophy is that the go after
wisdom and political philosophy is that the attempt truly to understand about
the character of political things and therefore the right or good political
order.” Vernon Van Dyke observed that a philosophical analysis is an attempt to
clarify considered the character of the topic and about ends and means in
studying it. Write a note on modern political theory The aim of this approach is to evolve the quality of right and
wrong, for the aim of critical evaluation of existing institutions, laws and
This approach is predicated on the theoretical principle
that the values can't be separated from the study of politics. Therefore, its
main concern is to guage what's good or bad in any political society. it's
mainly an ethical and normative study of politics and, thus, idealistic. It
addresses the issues of the character and functions of the state, citizenship,
rights and duties etc. The supporters of this approach consider that political
philosophy is strongly related to the politics . Therefore, they're of the
opinion that a social scientist must have the knowledge of excellent life and
good society. Write a note on modern political theory Political philosophy supports in establishing an honest political
Historical Approach: Theorists who developed this political
approach focused on the historical factors just like the age, place and
therefore the situation during which it's evolved are taken into consideration.
This approach is said to history and it emphasizes on the study of history of
each political reality to analyse any situation. Political thinkers like
Machiavelli, Sabine and Dunning considered that politics and history are
closely related and therefore the study of politics always should have a
historical standpoint. Sabine stated that politics should include all those
subjects which are discussed within the writings of various political thinkers
from the time of Plato. This approach strongly maintains the assumption that the
thinking or the dogma of each political thinker is made by the encompassing
environment. Furthermore, history provide details of the past also because it
also links it with this events. History gives the chronological order of each
political event and thereby helps in future estimation of events also.
Therefore, without studying the past political events, institutions and
political environment it might be erroneous to analyse this political events.
Write a note on modern political theory But critics of historical approach designated that it's impossible to know the
thought of the past ages in terms of up to date ideas and ideas .
Institutional Approach: this is often traditional and
significant approach in studying politics . This approach primarily deals with
the formal features of state and politics accentuates the study of the
political institutions and structures. Write a note on modern political theory Therefore, the institutional approach
cares with the study of the formal structures like legislature, executive,
judiciary, political parties, and interest groups. The supporters of this
approach includes both ancient and modern political philosophers. Among the
traditional thinkers, Aristotle had significant role in shaping this approach
while the fashionable thinkers include James Bryce, Bentley, Walter Bagehot,
Harold Laski contributed to develop this approach.
Legal Approach: This approach concerns that the state is
that the fundamental organization for the formation and enforcement of laws.
Therefore, this approach cares with the legal process, legal bodies or
institutions, justice and independence of judiciary. The supporters of this
approach are Cicero, Jean Bodin, Hobbes , Bentham , John Austin, Dicey and Sir
Henry Maine.
The various traditional approaches to the study of politics
are disapproved for being normative. These approaches were principled also as
their concern went beyond how and why political events happen to what need to
happen. within the later period, the fashionable approaches have made an effort
to form the study of politics more scientific and, therefore, emphasize
After studying politics with the assistance of traditional
approaches, the political thinkers of the later stage felt the need to review
politics from a replacement perspective. Thus, to attenuate the deficiencies of
the normal approaches, various new approaches are advocated by the new
political thinkers. These new approaches are considered the “modern approaches”
to the study of politics . Write a note on modern political theory Modern approaches are fact based approaches. They
lay emphasis on factual study of political events and check out to reach
scientific and definite conclusion. The aim of recent approaches is to exchange
normativism with empiricism. Therefore modern approaches are marked by
empirical investigation of relevant data.
1. These approaches attempt to draw conclusion from
empirical data.
2. These approaches transcend the study of political
structures and its historical analysis.
3. Modern Approaches believe inter-disciplinary study.
4. They emphasize scientific methods of study and plan to
draw scientific conclusions in politics .
5. Modern approaches include sociological approach,
psychological approach, economic approach, quantitative approach, simulation
approach, system approach, behavioural approach and Marxian approach.
Among the fashionable empirical approach, the behavioural
approach, to review politics grabbed notable place. greatest exponents of this
approach are David Etson, Robert, A. Dahl, E. M. Kirkpatrick, and Heinz Eulau.
Behavioural approach is political orientation which is that the results of
increasing attention given to behavior of ordinary man. Write a note on modern political theory Theorist, Kirkpatrick
stated that traditional approaches accepted institution because the basic unit
of research but behavioural approach consider the behaviour of individual in
political situation because the basis.
David Easton has acknowledged certain salient features of
behaviouralism which are considered its intellectual foundations. These are:
Regularities: This approach believes that there are certain
uniformities in political behaviour which may be expressed in generalizations
or theories so as to elucidate and predict political phenomena. during a
particular situation the Political behaviour of people could also be more or
less similar. Such regularities of behaviour may help the researcher to analyse
a political situation also on predict the longer term political phenomena.
Study of such regularities makes politics more scientific with some predictive
Verification: The behaviouralists don't want to simply
accept everything as granted. Therefore, they emphasize testing and verifying
everything. consistent with them, what can't be verified isn't scientific.
Techniques: The behaviouralists put emphasis on the utilization
of these research tools and methods which generate valid, reliable and
comparative data. A researcher must make use of sophisticated tools like sample
surveys, mathematical models, simulation etc.
Quantification: After collecting data, the researcher should
measure and quantify those data.
Values: The behaviouralists have put heavy emphasis on
separation of facts from values. They believe that to try to to objective
research one has got to be value free. It means the researcher shouldn't have any
pre-conceived notion or a biased view.
Systematization: consistent with the behaviouralists,
research in politics must be systematic. Theory and research should go
Pure Science: Another characteristic of behaviouralism has
been its aim to form politics a “pure science”. It believes that the study of
politics should be verified by evidence.
Integration: consistent with the behaviouralists, politics
shouldn't be separated from various other social sciences like history,
sociology and economics etc. This approach believes that political events are
shaped by various other factors within the society and thus , it might be wrong
to separate politics from other disciplines.
It is recognized by theorists that with the event of
behaviouralism, a replacement thinking and new technique of study were evolved
within the field of politics .