Identify a unit from the subject of your choice at the undergraduate level. Describe how you will design the same unit as a self-learning unit for distance learners.

 Identify a unit from the subject of your choice at the undergraduate level. Describe how you will design the same unit as a self-learning unit for distance learners.

In distance education, we use learning accoutrements in colorful forms – print, audio, videotape, multimedia, web, etc. In order to help distance learners study these and learn in their own time and at their own pace, these accoutrements are designed in such a way to have the schoolteacher erected in to grease the literacy process. Identify a unit from the subject of your choice at the undergraduate level. Describe how you will design the same unit as a self-learning unit for distance learners. We call these the characteristics of tone- literacy accoutrements. In fact, the introductory characteristics are the foundations of any distance literacy accoutrements, and any literacy material that exhibits these characteristics can be attributed as tone- literacy, irrespective of their format, textual design and donation.

 Tone- Contained The tone- literacy accoutrements are prepared in such a way that the distance learners typically don't bear fresh accoutrements to learn the generalities/ subject matter. This is largely important for the distance learners, since they're insulated and dispersed; they may not have access to good libraries and literacy coffers. Thus, it's necessary that the literacy accoutrements supplied to them are detailed and tone- contained in nature. Identify a unit from the subject of your choice at the undergraduate level. Describe how you will design the same unit as a self-learning unit for distance learners. This is also related to the nature of the‘ class’in distance education, which is open, whereas in face-to- face education, the class is hidden in the syllabus. An open class envisages that the content is easily detailed, leaving nothing to the imagination of the learner and interpretation. Also, if a course requires the use of external source accoutrements, these are supplied along with the course. For illustration, if a course requires the pupil to hear to an audio mail also it should be supplied in the course pack to make it tone- contained.

 Tone- Motivating One of the major places of a schoolteacher in the face-to- face education system is to motivate and encourage the learners towards study and exploration. Preceptors are part models and scholars generally try to emulate their preceptors. Identify a unit from the subject of your choice at the undergraduate level. Describe how you will design the same unit as a self-learning unit for distance learners. They produce interest and curiosity towards a subject. In distance literacy accoutrements, all these features should be included, and good tone- literacy material should arouse curiosity, and interest, encourage the learners towards in- depth study and critical thinking, motivate them to question and reflect on their own gests and practices, and also give underpinning on learning progress. These are handed through the use of a individualized style of jotting, use of stories, exemplifications, illustrations from real- life, feedback on tone- assessment questions,etc.

 Tone- Assessing It's important for the distance learners to know how they're progressing in their studies, particularly because they'requasi-permanently separated from the preceptors and others in their peer group. The separation of preceptors and learners inhibits two- way communication, and the learners may not get timely feedback or ca n’t indeed compare their performance with other peer group members. Identify a unit from the subject of your choice at the undergraduate level. Describe how you will design the same unit as a self-learning unit for distance learners. Therefore, the tone- literacy accoutrements should give tone- assessment questions and their substantiated feedback to allow the scholars to estimate themselves and learn from their action ( correct/ incorrect). The tone- assessing characteristics of distance literacy accoutrements image that the distance learners use the literacy material in an active manner. Learning activeness is the key, where use of in- textbook questions, tone- assessment questions, unit- end exercises, reflective action- grounded conditioning and feedback all play significant places. The use of learning objects in behavioural action verbs to measure the achievement of literacy is also another way to empower the learner.

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