

ECOSYSTEM NOTES CLASS 12 BIOLOGY: An ecosystem can be  visualized as a functional unit of nature, where living organisms interact among themselves and also with the surrounding physical environment. Ecosystem varies greatly in size from a small pond to a large forest or a sea. many ecologists regard the entire biosphere as a global ecosystem, as a composite of all local ecosystems on Earth. We will first look at the structure of the ecosystem, in order to appreciate the input (productivity), transfer of energy (food chain/web nutrient cycling) and the output (degradation and energy loss). We will also look at the relationships-cycles,chains,webs-that are created a a result of these energy flows within the system and their inter-relationship.

 ● Ecosystem is the commerce of living effects among themselves and with their girding terrain.

● There are two introductory ecosystems − terrestrial and submarine.

Structure of Ecosystem

 ● The relations between the various biotic and abiotic factors of an ecosystem lead to the conservation of the ecosystem.

 ● Position is the perpendicular distribution of the different species occupying the different situations. For example, trees do at a higher position also shrubs.

● The various aspects taken into consideration to study the functioning of ecosystem are

      I.          Productivity

    II.          Decomposition

  III.          Energy flow

  IV.          Nutrient cycling


Ecology unit Class 12 chapters

1. Organisms and Populations:
2. Ecosystem:

3. Biodiversity and Conservation:

4. Environmental Issues:


 ● A constant force of sun is needed for the proper functioning of any ecosystem.

● The quantum of biomass produced per unit area over a time period by plants during photosynthesis is defined as the primary productivity.

 ● It's expressed as weight (g − 2) or energy (Kcal m − 2).

 ● Productivity can be substantially divided into gross primary productivity (GPP) and net primary productivity (NPP). GPP is the rate of product of organic matter during photosynthesis.

NPP = GPP − Respiratory losses (R)

 Secondary productivity is defined as the rate of conformation of new organic matter by consumers.

● Primary productivity depends upon  

      I.          type of plants species inhabiting a particular area

    II.          photosynthetic capacity of plants

  III.          nutrient vacuity

 ● Annual net productivity for whole biosphere is about 170 b tons of organic matter.



● It's the process of breakdown of complex organic matter into inorganic substances similar as carbon dioxide, water, nutrients etc.

 Fragmentation − Breaking down of debris (dead plants and beast remains, faecal matter) into lower patches by detritivores (decomposers)

  Filtering ¬ Process by which these inorganic matters enter the soil

 Catabolism − Process by which debris is degraded into simpler inorganic substances by bacterial and fungal enzymes.

Humification − Accumulation of humus in the soil. Humus is resistant to microbial action and decomposes at an extremely slow rate. It acts as a force of nutrients.

Mineralization − Process by which humus further degrades to release minerals into the soil

 ● It's an oxygen consuming process and is controlled by the chemical composition of debris and climatic conditions.


 Energy Flow

● Sun is the sole source of energy for all ecosystems on the earth.

● Plants and other photosynthetic organisms use lower than 50 of the solar radiation known as the Photoynthetically active radiation (PAR).

 ● In an ecosystem, plants are called producer sand all creatures depend upon the plants directly or laterally for their food. Hence, they're known as consumers or heterotrophs.

 ● The consumers can be further divided into primary consumers (herbivores), secondary consumers (primary herbivores), and tertiary consumers ( secondary herbivores).

 Food chain −The energy inflow among thevarious constituent creatures is known as the food chain.

 Food web −The connection of thevarious food chains is called the food web.

 Trophic level − Every organism occupies a specific position in their food chain known as the trophic position.

Ecosystem Notes PDF

DIFFERENT TYPES OF ECOSYSTEM: Ecosystem is an open system and material can exchange from one ecosystem to another ecosystem. For ex. Frog move from the pond to the land and vice-versa. 

The ecosystem can be classified based on size, nature and duration; 

(1) Nature : On the basis of nature, it can be natural or artificial. Natural Ecosystem: This ecosystem forms naturally without interference of human. 

Example include are pond, river, forest, village, hill etc. Artificial Ecosystem: 

This ecosystem is developed and mainted by human. Example include are flowerbed, backyard, aquarium etc.

 (2) Duration: On the basis of duration, ecosystem can be classified as temporary or permanent. 

Temporary ecosystem: it is short lived and man made or natural. Example include rain fed pond.

 Permanent ecosystem: it is long lived and self supported natural ecosystem for very long period.

 Example includes forest, river etc.

 (3) Size: Ecosystem is classified as small or large ecosystem.

Small: it is small and also known as micro ecosystem. It can be temporary or permanent. For ex. Pond, flowerpot etc

 Large: it is large in size and also known as macro ecosystem.

 It is always permanent and mostly natural. For ex. Ocean, river, forest and desert.  

Class 12 Biology Chapter 13 Notes

Standing crop − Each trophic position contains a certain quantum of living material at a certain time known as the standing crop.

 ● The number of trophic situations in a food chain is confined since the energy transfer follows the 10 percent law i.e., only 10 of the energy is transferred from a lower trophic position to an advanced one.

Ecological Pyramids

 ● The energy relationship between the different trophic situations is represented by the ecological pyramids

. ● Their base represents the directors or the first trophic position while the apex represents the tertiary or top position consumer.

● Ecological pyramids are of 3 types

 ○ Pyramid of number

 ○ Pyramid of biomass

 ○ Pyramid of energy

Pyramid of number

Ecosystem Class 12 NCERT

Pyramid of biomass

Pyramid of energy

● In utmost ecosystems, the three pyramids are upright except in some cases

○ The pyramid of biomass is reversed in an ocean ecosystem since a small standing crop of phytoplankton supports a large number of zooplankton.

○ The pyramid of number can be reversed when, say, a large tree is eaten by small insects.

○ Still, the pyramid of energy is always upright.

 ● A trophic position represents a functional position and not a single species as similar. Also, a single species may come a part of further than one trophic position in the same ecosystem at the same time depending upon the part it plays in the ecosystem.

 ● Limitations of ecological pyramids

○ The ecological pyramids don't take into account the same species belonging to further than one trophic position.

○ It assumes a simple food chain that nearly noway exists in nature. It doesn't explain food webs.

 ○ Saprophytes aren't given a place in ecological pyramids indeed though they play a vital part in ecosystem.

Ecological Succession

● The composition of all ecosystems keeps on changing with change in their terrain. These changes eventually lead to the climax community.

Climax community − It's the community which is in equilibrium with its terrain. Gradational and fairly predictable change in the species’ composition of a given area is called ecological Succession .

Sere (s) − It's the sequence of communities that consecutively change in a given terrain. The transitional communities are called seral stages or seral communities.

● Succession happens in areas where no life forms ever was as in bare Rocks, cool lava,etc. ( primary Succession ), or in areas which have lost all life forms due to destructions and cataracts ( secondary Succession ).

 ● Primary Succession takes hundreds to thousands of times as developing soil on bare Rocks is a slow process. Secondary Succession is faster than primary Succession  since the nature doesn't have to start from scrape.

● During Succession, any disturbances (natural/ man ¬ made) can convert a particular seral stage to an earlier one.

Hydrarch Succession − It takes place in wet areas and converts hydric conditions to mesic.

 Xerarch Succession − It takes place in dry areas and converts xeric conditions to mesic.

 Pioneer species − These are the species that first foray a bare area. On land, these could be lichens that cache enzymes to dissolve the gemstone shells for soil conformation while in water, colonist species could be phytoplankton’s.

● The ultimate result of all relations is a climax community, a mesic.

Nutrient Cycling

● The quantum of nutrients present in the soil at a given time is known as the standing state.

 ● Nutrients are never lost from the ecosystem. They're only reclaimed from one state to another.

● The movement of nutrients through the various factors of the ecosystem is called nutrient cycling or biogeochemical cycles. They're of two types

Gaseous − Reservoir for these types of cycles live in the atmosphere.

Sedimentary − Reservoir for these types of cycles live in the earth’s crust.

Carbon Cycle

● About 49 of the dry weight of living organisms is made up of carbon.

 ● The ocean reserves and fossil energies regulate the quantum of CO2 in the atmosphere.

 ● Plants absorb CO2 from the atmosphere for photosynthesis, of which a certain quantum is released back through respiratory conditioning.

 ● A major quantum of CO2 is contributed by the decomposers who contribute to the CO2 pool by recycling dead and decaying matter

. ● The quantum of CO2 in the atmosphere has been increased vastly by mortal conditioning similar as burning of fossil energies, deforestation.

Phosphorus Cycle

 ● Phosphorus is an important element of cell membranes, nucleic acids, and cellular energy transfer systems.

 ● Rocks contain phosphorus in the form of phosphate.

 ● When Rocks are survived, some of the phosphate gets dissolved in the soil result and is absorbed by plants.

 ● The consumers get their phosphorus from the plants.

 ● Phosphorus returns back to the soil by the action of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria on dead organisms.

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