Bring out the main features of tribes in India


Bring out the main features of tribes in India.  A tribe is a large group of people that is distinguished from other groups mainly through its higher population density and its greater sedentary lifestyle. The tribal people also practice Hunting and gathering. In addition animal husbandry and crop cultivation are also undertaken. Hence a specific territorial affiliation and integration obtains. The tribe inhabits and remains within a definite and common topography. Bring out the main features of tribes in India.  

Bring out the main features of tribes in India.  In the absence of a common topography the tribe would also loose its other characteristic features as community functions, language and culture etc. Bring out the main features of tribes in India. 

Bring out the main features of tribes in India.  The members of the tribe possess consciousness of mutual unity as the psychological element is an essential characteristic of the tribe.

The members of a tribe speak a common language as it generates a sense of communal unity among them. Bring out the main features of tribes in India.  It sets them apart from other tribes. Each tribe is thus conscious of its homogenous ethnic identity. Bring out the main features of tribes in India. 

The members of the tribe generally marry into their own group but I the changing socio-economic environment they are marrying outside their tribes as well.

A major factor in community is the tie of blood relationship between the members. They have faith in their having descended from a common real or mythical ancestor and hence believe in blood relationship with other members. Kinship bonds play an important role in tribal organization. Descent groups such as lineages and clans are generally well developed.

Bring out the main features of tribes in India.  Each descent group often owns property jointly and corporately. Each descent group is usually exogamous. The enforcement of tribal endogamy (the rule which stipulates that a member of the tribe or any other group for that matter should marry another member from within that particular tribe itself) helps to maintain tribal identity. Bring out the main features of tribes in India. 

Bring out the main features of tribes in India.  The recognition of leadership is often present although there may not be a well-developed hierarchical political system. For protecting the members, political organization within a tribe is established and all authority of administration is vested in one person or group of persons. A tribal committee is formed to render assistance in the form of advice to the tribal chief. They usually look after the wellbeing of the members. A tribe's cohesion and integrity may come under threat from within as well as from outside. During such times authority and leadership become crucial in maintaining intra-tribal harmony and in directing inter-tribal warfare. Bring out the main features of tribes in India.  Each tribe's tradition and lore are distinct with its characteristic habits, customs, art, religious beliefs and so on. Bring out the main features of tribes in India.  

Each tribe has its own political organization that maintains harmony and avoids notes of discord among its members. They usually negotiate with the political power of the state.

Bring out the main features of tribes in India.  The tribal political and social organization is based on religion because social and political laws become inviolable once they are granted religious sanctity and recognition. The authority of common religion is an important characteristic of the tribe. Life-cycle ceremonies and rituals are often given prime importance among the tribal people. Bring out the main features of tribes in India.  

Bring out the main features of tribes in India.  A tribe is constituted of many clans with laws of mutual reciprocity among its members. Some of the striking features that are present in many tribes are the presence of groupings such as age groups, dormitories, and secret societies and totemic groups.

Bring out the main features of tribes in India

1. Definite Common Topography:

Bring out the main features of tribes in India.  Tribal people live within a definite topography and it is a common place for all the members of a particular tribe occupying that region.

In the absence of a common but definite living place, the tribals will lose other characteristics of a tribal life, like common language, way of living and community sentiment etc.

2. Sense of Unity:

Unless and until, a group living in a particular area and using that area as a common residence, does not possess the sense of unity, it cannot be called a tribe. Sense of unity is an invariable necessity for a true tribal life. The very existence of a tribe depends upon the tribal’s sense of unity during the times of peace and war. Bring out the main features of tribes in India.  

3. Endogamous Group:

Bring out the main features of tribes in India.  Tribal people generally do not marry outside their tribe and marriage within the tribe is highly appreciated and much applauded. But the pressing effects of changes following the forces of mobility have also changed the attitude of tribals and now, inter-tribe marriages are becoming more and more common.

4. Common Dialect:

Members of a tribe exchange their views in a common dialect. This element further strengthens their sense of unity.

5. Ties of Blood-relationship:

Blood-relation is the greatest bond and most powerful force inculc

6. Protection Awareness:

Tribal people always need protection from intrusion and infiltration and for this a single political authority is established and all the powers are vested in this authority. The safety of the tribal is left to the skill and mental power of the person enjoying political authority. The tribal chief is aided by a tribal committee, in the events of contingencies. Tribe is divided into a number of small groups and each group is headed by its own leader. The chief of a group works according to the directives received by him from the tribal chief.

7. Distinct Political Organization:

Every tribe has its own distinct political organisation which looks after the interests of tribal people. The whole political authority lies in the hands of a tribal chief. In some tribes, tribal committees exist to help the tribal chief in discharging his functions in the interests of the tribe. Bring out the main features of tribes in India.  

8. Common Culture:

Common culture of a tribe springs out from the sense of unity, common language, common religion, common political organisation. Common culture produces a life of homogeneity among the tribals.

9. Importance of Kinship:

Kinship forms the basis of tribal social organization. Most tribes are divided into exogamous clans and lineages. The marriage among tribals is based on the rule of tribal endogamy. Marriage is viewed as a contract and there are no prohibition on divorce and remarriage.

10. Egalitarian Values:

The tribal social organization is based on the egalitarian principle. Thus there are no institutionalized inequalities like the caste system or sex based inequalities. Thus men and women enjoyed equal status and freedom. However some degrees of social inequality may be found in case of tribal chiefs or tribal kings who enjoy a higher social status, exercise political power and posses wealth.

11. Rudimentary type of Religion:

Tribes believe in certain myths and a rudimentary type of religion.

Further, they believe in totems signifying objects having mystic relationship with members of the tribe.

Robert Goodland has given the following characteristics of the tribal people:

(a) Geographical isolation or semi-isolation;

(b) Unacculturated or partially acculturated into national society;

(c) Largely or entirely independent of the national economic system;

(d) Ethnic distinctiveness from the national society;

(e) Economic base tightly dependent on their, specific environment;

(f) Possessing leadership but no more national representation, and few, if any political rights. Bring out the main features of tribes in India. 

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