Explain The Causes And Consequences Of Stress .Describe The Various Techniques Of Managing Stress .


Causes And Consequences Of Stress .Describe The Various Techniques Of Managing Stress . The previous unit dealt in influence of peers on adolescent. You learnt that peer influence affects the life of an adolescent in several ways. On one hand, it helps to shape his /her personality and on the other, it can also be very demanding to adopt and confirm to certain norms. There are many such factors which put the adolescent under pressure and cause turbulence in his life. Consequences Of Stress ,Techniques Of Managing Stress . Whether it is the process of growing up, environment, competition in schools and colleges or the relationships, they all challenge the capacity of an adolescent. This state is generally known as stress. If not managed properly, it can lead to poor performance, bad health and conditions like depression and suicides. In the present unit we will deal with stress in adolescence and how to manage it. The unit starts with a definition and meaning of stress and differentiating between eustress (beneficial stress) and distress (harmful stress). Various factors leading to stress (stressors) in adolescence are described. The unit progresses with describing response of our body to stress and its consequences. At the end, it describes how we can mange stress. You will find various learning activities and self-assessment tools throughout the unit to check your progress and enable you to prepare your assignments.

Stress is caused by various factors or stimuli known as “stressors.” These can be external – environmental or internal – thought processes or the way we perceive things, people or situations. Stressors produce various changes in the body manifested in various actions, emotions and behaviours. The Causes And Consequences Of Stress Our body attempts to counteract or adapt to these changes to maintain the normal state. Stressors can be broadly divided into three categories:

A real or actual stressor

Examples can be a change in the environment like getting a high grade or low grade in an Examination

The anticipation of an event or activity

Just thinking about a situation can produce stress worrying about the consequences of a Disease one is suffering from.

Imagined events or actions

These can evoke emotional responses  dreaming about or fantasizing a situation. Stressors are the triggers that cause stress in a person. These are the circumstances and events that threaten the person and challenge his/her coping abilities. The Causes And Consequences Of Stress .An accident, a lost watch or conflict with friends, all can be stressors. These can be sudden viz., falling down and getting injured or long lasting viz. being ill for a long time. The level or severity of stress is determined not merely by exposure but the intensity, duration and frequency of stressors. For example, repeated scolding and negative remarks by teacher in class can lower the self esteem of a student and can lead to lower grades. It is also important here to understand that the stressors when keep on building, have cumulative effect and cause greater stress.

Managing or coping with stress involves recognizing the sources of stress, how it affects and finding the ways to master or control it. Early detection is the key for management of the stress to help the adolescents lead a meaningful and socially productive life. A pragmatic approach in this regards is needed wherein adolescents, parents/ teachers, counsellors and community, all have to play a positive and constructive role to avoid the menace of stress and its consequences

1)      Think positively

 Positive thinking improves our ability to process information efficiently and enhances self esteem. It inculcates optimism, giving us a sense that we are controlling our environment. People with an optimistic outlook live 19% longer than those who are pessimistic.

2)      Be aware of your self

 Accepting you as you are – is the secret of high self-esteem. Do not condemn or have pity on yourself. You are as unique and excellent piece of creation as anybody else. Identify your strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. Work constantly to enhance your strengths and avail opportunities while removing the weaknesses and threats.

3)      Share with someone you have faith in

 Remember sharing doubles the joy and halves the problems! Communicate your feelings, worries, tensions and even secrets to someone you can confide in. He/ She should be a known and trusted person to maintain confidentiality and avoid exploitation.

4)      Reflect

 Perform a self analysis of the circumstances/ situations and stressors the factors causing stress You need to find out “what pushes your buttons so as to strive to disconnect these buttons. It can be person, a situation or sometimes even a thought of something

5)      Recreation must be a rule

Try to establish a balance between work and leisure activities, which is essential to prevent. Destructive tension. Plan and enjoy more activities exclusively with your family/ friends. It should be a routine to have some time for a walk, playing games or watching T.V. during your exams too

6)      Learn how to relax

 One needs to learn to slow down. Remember, the nature too assists the slowing down process in a stressed individual with diseases, heart attacks and increased accidents! Be sure to take adequate rest. Sleep is nature’s all time treatment to stress and tiredness. Causes And Consequences Of Stress Techniques Of Managing Stress .

 A good Night’s sleep relaxes and helps to prepare for the challenges of tomorrow. Consequences Of Stress Techniques Of Managing Stress .

 Regular vacations with Your family/friends rejuvenate you. Divert your attention from activities /situations causing stress. Engage yourself in some activity/hobby. Consequences Of Stress .Describe The Various Techniques Of Managing Stress .Listening to music, reading a book of jokes/ short stories Or even having a stroll with your pet dog all have a good relaxing effect.

7)      Make physical activity a routine

Exercises refreshen and relax the body and mind. They increase blood circulation and increase muscle tone. Walking, bicycling, swimming, jogging and outdoor games, all have been documented to relieve stress.

8)      Yoga and meditation are a great help

Yoga and meditation provide mind control and hence, the harmony between body and mind. The concentration of mind increases the self-awareness and provides an opportunity to revisit one’s desires, expectations and goals in the realistic rather than expected and dreamy situation. Yoga, through a combination of breathing, stretching and balancing, tries to achieve a union of body, mind and spirit.

9)      Develop readily attainable goals

Goals are the statements of what you want to achieve. Successful people always set their goals. These have to be developed step by step. Following is an example:

1. Long term Goals - give you a sense of direction To become a Doctor

2. Short Term Goals- provide periodic feeling of accomplishment E.g. Getting through the Pre Medical Test

3. Objectives- tell you the specific requirement .

Passing 12th class exams (with Biology) with good percentage It is not the rule that everyone should be at the same level of achievement. The satisfaction is a very personal and subjective matter. You have to create your own limit of satisfaction. The competition need not be a self-killing process. You will be learning about setting and decision making in carreer planning in unit-5 of this block.

10)  Develop hobbies and learn something new

Developing hobbies adds flavour to life. Creating taste and attaining skills in poetry, literature, music, paintings etc. give you a sense of achievement. Make a plan of self improvement to learn something new in a specified time period.

11)  Be assertive

 Assertiveness is avoiding conflicts by politely exercising your rights while respecting others’ rights too. It avoids undue contradictions and aggression. Causes And Consequences Of Stress ,Techniques Of Managing Stress .The basic principle is you have a right to request and other person has an equal right to accept or refuse.

12)  Enroll in personality development workshops

Such workshops provide such skills which enable you to come out of tight corners and blues in your life.

13)  Learn life skills

Life Skills are the abilities which inculcate positive and adaptive behaviour in us so as to face the opportunities and challenges of life effectively. Many national and international organizations are conducting workshops in life skills.

14)  Avail Guidance and Counseling Services

 There should be no hesitation in availing these services. They clear the fog of confusion and enable us make healthy decisions.

The techniques of stress management range from simple self help techniques to more elaborate ones involving seeking help from others Causes And Consequences Of Stress The Various Techniques Of Managing Stress . Let us now try to understand them.The Causes And Consequences Of Stress , Managing Stress .School leaders may have a particularly difficult role in dealing with overly stressed staff, particularly where team-based support is limited or non-existentOf Stress .Describe The Various Techniques Of Managing Stress .

 In this context the following is important

·         Head teachers should help themselves, and others to review their relationship with their jobs regularly. They may in the process, identify such routines and practices which appear to trigger stress change what you can work realistically with what you can't Recognize your own limitations and strengths and help others to do the same. Consequences Of Stress Various Techniques Of Managing Stress .

·         There may yell be areas in which individuals and teams to give you guidance about the improvements they would welcome, including about your own behaviour.

·         Help colleagues to find recharging time and space. Given the nature of educational change, determining individual stability and comfort zone by trying to establish clear ideas about one's role and one's personal ambitions in the organization structure is very important.

·         Teacher's workload

As an individual, you almost certainly know what stress feels like. Like individuals, organizations get stressed too. As a school leader, it is important to recognize organizational stress in your school so that you can devise strategies to overcome it for yourself and your staff Stress The Various Techniques Of Managing Stress .

 Recall the above cases of Shibani, Marie and Gurudev. What signs do they all exhibit?

·         a sense of frustration and anger

·         irritability, poor concentration and loss of appetite

·         exhaustion, fatigue, headaches or other pains

·         depleting sense of enthusiasm and dedication

·         increasing personal vulnerability

·         loss of sense of humour and

·         an increase in sick leave.


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