BPSC 109
Programme: BAG/2021/2022
Course Code: BPSC 109
Max. Marks: 100
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BPSC 109 Free Solved
Assignment - I
Answer the
following in about 500 words each. Each question carries 20 marks
1. Explain
the factors that led to the centrality of the state in the politics and economy
of post-colonial societies.
The post-colonial state that emerged in the Seventies was
epitomised in the seminal work of Hamza Alavi (1972). IGNOU BPSC 109 Free
Solved Assignment 2022 Alavi provided an early starting point for the analysis
of the state in post-colonial societies. He premised his arguments on the
historical specificity of post-colonial societies. IGNOU BPSC 109 Free Solved
Assignment 2022 This specificity, he argued, arose from structural changes
brought about by 1) the colonial experiences and alignment of classes and, by
the superstructure of political and administrative institutions which were
established in that context and, 2) the realignment of class forces which have
been brought about in in the context of post-colonial situation.
One of the most significant efforts Post-Colonial State in
this direction has been undertaken by Pranab Bardhan. Bardhan argues that the
post-colonial Indian state is an autonomous actor playing a far more important
role in shaping and moulding class power than vice versa. In the early decades
after political independence, the personnel of the state elite in India enjoyed
an independent authority and prestige that made them the main actors in the
process of the socio-economic development of India. ‘It redirected and
restructured the economy, and in the process exerted great pressure on the
proprietary classes’ on the pretext of using state intervention to promote
national economic development. With the gradual strengthening of the main
proprietary classes i.e., the industrial capitalist class and the rich
peasantry, the autonomous behaviour of the post-colonial state in India has
been confined more and more to its regulatory rather than its developmental
functions. Also, in comparison to African and Latin American countries, foreign
capital has far lesser importance. IGNOU BPSC 109 Free Solved Assignment 2022 The
indigenous industrial capitalist class in India is far more autonomous and
sheltered from foreign capital in the domestic market, even after implementing
the policies of pro-market economic reforms in 1991. Interestingly Bardhan
refers to the third proprietary class in India, namely the ‘professionals in
public sectors’, which comprises the public bureaucracy and white-collar
employees in the state sectors. IGNOU BPSC 109 Free Solved Assignment 2022 The
three proprietary classes belonging roughly to the top twenty per cent of the
Indian population have a significant conflict of interest though they all have
been beneficiaries of state economic policies under the development planning
model. As none of the three proprietary classes dominates the others, it
increases the autonomous power of the post-colonial state in India, which
performs the vital task of mediation among the three competing classes under a
democratic system. One finds a similar argument in favour of the state enjoying
a relatively autonomous role due to the presence of more than one dominant
class and the role of state bureaucracy under the development planning model
(See for instance, Sudipta Kaviraj, 1986).
Critically examine political culture as an approach to the study of comparative
Political culture approach has been very popular for
conducting comparative studies and making empirical analyses of transitional
societies. Scholars have liked to investigate political behaviour and processes
in the context of their political cultures. Almond, Verba and Pye have been its
pioneers. Borrowing concepts from Sociology and Anthropology, Almond has
developed a methodology for comparative studies of political cultures. IGNOU
BPSC 109 Free Solved Assignment 2022 He believes that all political cultures
can be comparatively studied on that basis. For Almond, political system is a
system of roles which can be empirically observed and understood
scientifically. He studied, besides legal-institutions, family relations,
mass-behaviour, electoral system, power, influence and the like.
The basis of his classification and analysis of the
political systems is their structures and cultures. Both are related to each
other. IGNOU BPSC 109 Free Solved Assignment 2022 Political culture of a
society is deeply influenced by its structures, and vice versa. For explaining
relationship between them he picked up orientation of roles and political
actions. All political activity reflects attempts made to attain maturity.
Attitudes, feelings and preferences are their indicators. To him, political
system is an interactive set of roles or is a structure of roles. In some
societies, degree of differentiation of role is more, while it is less in
The boundaries within which a political system operates to
attain its goals and purposes make space of its culture. He discovered three
models of political systems, which reflect attitudes of individuals towards
political activity. IGNOU BPSC 109 Free Solved Assignment 2022 They are like
Weberian ideal-types. He measures political culture of a society on the basis
of its orientation towards political action and political structures. Orientation
of an individual involves cognitive understanding of political objects, events,
acts and disputes; his emotional attachment; and methods and rules of
There is close relation between political culture and
political system. Political culture is the basis of survival of all old and
modern political systems. A political community, even without having ‘state’,
can exist as a polity or political system. Whatever be the form of a political
system – developing or developed, it does possess some form or pattern of
political culture. Stateless political systems like the United Nations
Organisation (UN), many international and regional organisations, are more or
less, operating on the basis of some form of political culture. Observing
important and role of political culture for a political system, many scholars
at advanced stage of theoretical sophistication, are trying to move ahead from
political culture ‘approach’ to political culture ‘theory’. IGNOU BPSC 109 Free
Solved Assignment 2022 However, their attempts are being severely criticised.
It has been observed that political culture is a new name for an old existing
concept. Hardly there is consensus on its variables, indicators and methods of
study and measurement.
Assignment - II
Answer the
following questions in about 250 words each. Each question carries 10 marks.
1. Compare
and contrast the liberal and Marxist perspectives on the nature of state in
capitalist society.
Liberalism is a philosophical, political and economic
theory, and ideology that emanates from the position that individual freedoms
are the legal basis of society and economic order. The ideal of liberalism is a
society with freedom of action for everyone, free exchange of politically
sensitive information, limiting the power of church and state, rule of law,
private property and freedom of private enterprise. IGNOU BPSC 109 Free Solved
Assignment 2022 Liberalism rejected many of the provisions that were the basis
of previous theories of the state, such as the divine right of kings to rule
and the role of religion as the sole source of knowledge. Fundamental
principles of liberalism include the recognition: data on the nature of natural
rights (including the right to life, liberty and property), as well as other
civil rights; equity and equality before the law; market economy; government’s
responsibility and transparency of government.
The function of the government is reduced to the minimum
necessary to ensure these principles. Modern liberalism also prefers an open
society based on pluralism and democratic government, while protecting minority
rights and individual citizens. Some modern trends of liberalism are more
tolerant of government regulation of free markets for the sake of equal
opportunity to succeed, universal education and reducing the difference in
incomes IGNOU BPSC 109 Free Solved Assignment 2022. Proponents of such views
believe that the political system should contain elements of the welfare state,
including state unemployment benefits, homeless shelters and free health care.
According to the views of liberals, government exists for the benefit of the
people subservient to it, and the country’s political leadership should be
based on the consent of the majority of the led. To date, the political system,
which is most consonant with the beliefs of liberals, is liberal democracy.
Nowadays, liberalism is one of the leading ideologies in the
world. The concept of personal liberty, dignity, freedom of speech, universal
human rights, religious tolerance, privacy, private property, free markets,
equality, rule of law, government transparency, limits on state power, the
supreme power of the people, self-determination of the nation, enlightened and
sound public policy – are commonplace. For the liberal-democratic political
systems countries are so different in culture and level of economic well-being,
such as Finland, Spain, Estonia, Slovenia, Cyprus, Canada, Uruguay and Taiwan.
In all these countries, liberal values play a key role in shaping the new
society’s goals, even though the gap between ideals and reality.
We assesss critically three existing economic perspectives,
the neoclassical, the Austrian and the Marxist, on the question of the ‘nature
of the capitalist state’. In particular we address the questions of the
existence of the state, the state's ‘principal’, the principals' objectives and
the growth and evolution of the state, and consider the answers provided by the
three perspectives. IGNOU BPSC 109 Free Solved Assignment 2022 We find all
three perspectives limited, particularly in their treatment of history and
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2. What are
the different mechanisms through which a state can accommodate ethnic
This chapter pursues a critical reassessment of the ethnic
diversity and public goods provision scholarship. Our main line of critique
concerns the causal mechanism supported by this literature. Most of the works
in this research tradition focus on inter-ethnic cooperation. IGNOU BPSC 109
Free Solved Assignment 2022 Specifically, they hypothesize that ethnic
fractionalization leads to conflicting preferences, which in turn prevent
inter-ethnic cooperation, either to generate desired goods or to pressure the
state to provide them. Yet, an exclusive focus on inter-ethnic cooperation
ignores a wider range of other plausible causal pathways through which
ethnicity might influence public goods provision. The main thrust of this chapter
builds towards filling this gap. We review a broader literature that does
explore, or at least gives us some useful implicit insights about, the effects
of ethnicity on state capacity. Against this backdrop we identify and develop
distinct theoretical mechanisms through which ethnicity shapes the ability of
states to provide public goods. The chapter thus uses various bodies of work as
a springboard to distil a larger set of possible causal pathways that move
beyond the idea that collective action across different ethnic groups has a
direct impact on state capacity. Those mechanisms include the mobilizing
efforts by a particular ethnic group, the behaviour of other collective actors,
and institutional change. In particular, our first broad set of mechanisms
focuses on the ways in which the actions of ethnic groups directly affect state
capacity. Within this set, an initial batch of mechanisms emphasizes the link
between inter-ethnic cooperation and the ability of states to provide public
goods. IGNOU BPSC 109 Free Solved Assignment 2022 Another batch highlights the
link between mobilization by a particular ethnic group and state capacity. Here
the focus is on how the level of ethnic inclusion can affect ethnic
mobilization, which can have positive or negative effects on state capacity,
depending on, most importantly, the type of ethnic-based collective action.
3. Describe
the modernization explanation of democratization process.
The relationship between modernization and democracy is one
of the most researched studies in comparative politics.There are many studies
show that modernization has contributed to democracy in some countries. For
example, Seymour Martin Lipset argued that modernization can turn into
democracy." IGNOU BPSC 109 Free Solved Assignment 2022 There is academic
debate over the drivers of democracy because there are theories that support
economic growth as both a cause and effect of the institution of democracy.
“Lipset’s observation that democracy is related to economic development, first
advanced in 1959, has generated the largest body of research on any topic in
comparative politics, Larry Diamond and Juan Linz, who worked with Lipset in the
book, Democracy in Developing Countries: Latin America, argue that economic
performance affects the development of democracy in at least three ways. First,
they argue that economic growth is more important for democracy than given
levels of socioeconomic development. Second, socioeconomic development
generates social changes that can potentially facilitate democratization.
Third, socioeconomic development promotes other changes, like organization of
the middle class, which is conducive to democracy.
As Seymour Martin Lipset put it, "All the various
aspects of economic development—industrialization, urbanization, wealth and
education—are so closely interrelated as to form one major factor which has the
political correlate of democracy". The argument also appears in Walt W.
Rostow, Politics and the Stages of Growth (1971); A. F. K. Organski, The Stages
of Political Development (1965); and David Apter, The Politics of Modernization
(1965). In the 1960s, some critics argued that the link between modernization
and democracy was based too much on the example of European history and
neglected the Third World.
Assignment - III
Write a
short note on the following in about 100 words each. Each short note carries 6
Political Socialization function of political parties
Political socialization is the "process by which
individuals learn and frequently internalize a political lens framing their
perceptions of how power is arranged and how the world around them is (and
should be) organized; those perceptions, in turn, shape and define individuals'
definitions of who they are and how they should behave in the political and
economic institutions in which they live." IGNOU BPSC 109 Free Solved
Assignment 2022 Political socialization also encompasses the way in which
people acquire values and opinions that shape their political stance and
ideology: it is a "study of the developmental processes by which people of
all ages and adolescents acquire political cognition, attitudes, and
behaviors." It refers to a learning process by which norms and behaviors
acceptable to a well running political system are transmitted from one
generation to another. It is through the performance of this function that
individuals are inducted into the political culture and their orientations
towards political objects are formed.[3] Schools, media, and the state have a
major influence in this process.
Procedural and substantive democracy
Procedural democracy or proceduralist democracy or
proceduralism is a term used to denote the particular procedures, such as
regular elections based on universal suffrage, that produce an
electorally-legitimated government. Procedural democracy, with its centering of
electoral processes as the basis of democratic legitimacy, is often contrasted
with substantive or participatory democracy, which centers the equal
participation of all groups in society in the political process as the basis of
legitimacy. IGNOU BPSC 109 Free Solved
Assignment 2022 Substantive democracy is a form of democracy in which the
outcome of elections is representative of the people. In other words,
substantive democracy is a form of democracy that functions in the interest of
the governed. Although a country may allow all citizens of age to vote, this
characteristic does not necessarily qualify it as a substantive democracy. In a
substantive democracy, the general population plays a real role in carrying out
its political affairs, i.e., the state is not merely set up as a democracy but
it functions as one as well. This type of democracy can also be referred to as
a functional democracy.
3. Federal
feature of the Australian constitution
The Australian Constitution is the set of rules by which
Australia is run. It came into effect on 1 January 1901. This fact sheet
summarises the key features of the Constitution and how it can be changed. The
Australian Constitution describes the composition, role and powers of the
Australian Parliament. It sets out how the Australian and state parliaments
share the power to make laws. It also details the roles of the executive
government and the High Court of Australia, and some of the rights of
Australian citizens, such as the right to religious freedom.
The Australian Constitution is divided into 8 chapters and
128 sections. It sets out the basis for Australia's federal system of
governance, the key features of which include:
· an
Australian Parliament and government, responsible for national decisionmaking
and law-making
· a
bicameral Parliament, including the Queen (represented by the GovernorGeneral),
the Senate and the House of Representatives
· 6
state governments, responsible for state matters ·
power-sharing arrangements between the Australian and state parliaments
· the
High Court of Australia, which is the final court of appeal. The High Court
interprets the Constitution and decides its meaning, as well as settling
disputes between the Australian and state governments.
The Constitution does not cover all aspects of the governing
of Australia. For example, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet are not mentioned
in the Constitution. The Prime Minister and Cabinet operate by custom and
tradition, similar to the British system from which they came. The Constitution
does not detail many of the rights of the Australian people. IGNOU BPSC 109
Free Solved Assignment 2022 Unlike the Constitution of the United States,
Australia's does not include a bill of rights. In Australia these rights are
protected by common law (made by the courts) and statute law (written law made
by Parliament).
4. Party
list system
A party-list system is a type of electoral system that
formally involves political parties in the electoral process, usually to
facilitate multi-winner elections. In party-list systems, parties put forward a
list of candidates, the party-list who stand for election on one ticket. Voters
can usually vote directly for the party-list, but in other systems voters may
vote for directly individuals candidates within or across party lists (such
systems are referred to as open list and panachage), besides or instead of
voting directly for parties (mixed electoral systems). Most commonly,
party-list systems refer to party-list proportional representation, but there
are other electoral systems using party-lists including the general ticket
(party block voting) and mixed electoral systems. Not only are not all
partylist systems proportional, and not all proportional systems are party-list
systems. Candidates who won their seats from a party-list are called list MPs.
Associational and non-Associational pressure group
Associational Interest Groups : These are organised
specialised groups formed for interest articulation, but to pursue limited
goals. IGNOU BPSC 109 Free Solved Assignment 2022 These include trade unions,
organisations of businessmen and industrialists and civic groups. Some examples
of Associational Interest Groups in India are Bengal Chamber of Commerce and
Industry, Indian Chamber of Commerce, Trade Unions such as AITUC (All India
Trade Union Congress), Teachers Associations, Students Associations such as
National Students Union of India (NSUI) etc
Pressure Groups in
Business Groups – Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce
and Industry (FICCI), Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India
(ASSOCHAM), Federation of All India Foodgrain Dealers Association (FAIFDA), etc
Trade Unions – All-India Trade Union Congress (AITUC), Indian National Trade
Union Congress (INTUC), Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS), Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS)
Professional Groups – Indian Medical Association (IMA), Bar Council of India
(BCI), All India Federation of University and College Teachers (AIFUCT)
Agrarian Groups- All India Kisan Sabha, Bharatiya Kisan Union, etc Student’s
Organisations- Akhila Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), All India Students
Federation (AISF), National Students Union of India (NSUI) Religious Groups –
Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh (RSS), Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP),
Jamaat-e-Islami, etc. Caste Groups – Harijan Sevak Sangh, Nadar Caste
Association, etc Linguistic Groups – Tamil Sangh, Andhra Maha Sabha, etc Tribal
Groups – National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN), Tribal National
Volunteers (TNU) in Tripura, United Mizo federal org, Tribal League of Assam,
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