IGNOU BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022
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BCOC 132
Programme: BAG/2021/2022
Course Code: BCOC 132
Max. Marks: 100
BCOC 132 Free Solved
section contains five questions of 10 marks each)
Q.1 What is
technological innovation? Explain the various types of innovation. (4, 6)
Technological innovation is an extended concept of
innovation. While innovation is a rather well-defined concept, it has a broad
meaning to many people, and especially numerous understanding in the academic
and business world. Innovation refers to adding extra steps of developing new
services and products in the marketplace or in the public that fulfill
unaddressed needs or solve problems that were not in the past. IGNOU BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 Technological
Innovation however focuses on the technological aspects of a product or service
rather than covering the entire organization business model. It is important to
clarify that Innovation is not only driven by technology.
Technological innovation is the process where an
organization (or a group of people working outside a structured organization)
embarks on a journey where the importance of technology as a source of
innovation has been identified as a for increased market competitiveness new
innovation-questions The wording "technological innovation" is
preferred to "technology innovation". "
Technology innovation" gives a sense of working on
technology for the sake of technology. "Technological innovation"
better reflects the business consideration of improving business value by
working on the product or services' technological aspects. IGNOU BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 Moreover, in a vast
majority of products and services, there is not one unique technology at the
heart of the system. The combination, integration, and interaction of different
make the product or service successful.
Types of Innovation
Incremental Innovation is the most common form of
innovation. It utilizes your existing technology and increases value to the
customer (features, design changes, etc.) within your existing market. Almost
all companies engage in incremental innovation in one form or another.
Disruptive Innovation
Disruptive innovation, also known as stealth innovation, involves
applying new technology or processes to your company’s current market. It is
stealthy in nature since newer tech will often be inferior to existing market
technology. IGNOU BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 This newer technology is often more expensive, has fewer features,
is harder to use, and is not as aesthetically pleasing. It is only after a few
iterations that the newer tech surpasses the old and disrupts all existing
companies. By then, it might be too late for the established companies to
quickly compete with the newer technology.
There are quite a few examples of disruptive innovation, one
of the more prominent being Apple’s iPhone disruption of the mobile phone
market. Prior to the iPhone, most popular phones relied on buttons, keypads or
scroll wheels for user input. The iPhone was the result of a technological
movement that was years in making, mostly iterated by Palm Treo phones and
personal digital assistants (PDAs). IGNOU BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 Frequently you will find that it is not the
first mover who ends up disrupting the existing market. In order to disrupt the
mobile phone market, Apple had to cobble together an amazing touch screen that
had a simple to use interface, and provide users access to a large assortment
of built-in and third-party mobile applications.
Architectural innovation is simply taking the lessons,
skills and overall technology and applying them within a different market. This
innovation is amazing at increasing new customers as long as the new market is
receptive. Most of the time, the risk involved in architectural innovation is
low due to the reliance and reintroduction of proven technology. Though most of
the time it requires tweaking to match the requirements of the new market.
In 1966, NASA’s Ames Research Center attempted to improve
the safety of aircraft cushions. They succeeded by creating a new type of foam,
which reacts to the pressure applied to it, yet magically forms back to its
original shape. IGNOU BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 Originally it was commercially marketed as medical equipment
table pads and sports equipment, before having larger success as use in
mattresses. This “slow spring back foam” technology falls under architectural
innovation. It is commonly known as memory foam.
Radical innovation
Radical innovation is what we think of mostly when
considering innovation. It gives birth to new industries (or swallows existing
ones) and involves creating revolutionary technology. The airplane, for
example, was not the first mode of transportation, but it is revolutionary as
it allowed commercialized air travel to develop and prosper. IGNOU BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 The four different
types of innovation mentioned here – Incremental, Disruptive, Architectural and
Radical – help illustrate the various ways that companies can innovate. There
are more ways to innovate than these four. The important thing is to find the
type(s) that suit your company and turn those into success.
Q.2 Explain
the features of an ideal form of business organisation. Which form can be
considered to be an ideal in all respects? (6, 4)
Ideal Form of
These are the factors any business should consider before
choosing their form of organization. After consideration of these factors the
business should be able to make an appropriate and informed decision.
1] Ease of Formation
would be very easy formation of the chosen form of
organization. The legal formalities, paperwork etc are very limited. And the
cost and time involved should also be minimal.
Browse more Topics
under Forms Of Business Organizations
· Sole
Hindu Undivided Family
Statutory Bodies and Corporations
Co-operative Societies and Trusts
2] Raising Capital/Finances
Every business needs to raise capital at the beginning. So
the form of organization you choose must consider the amount of capital you
need to raise. If the capital needed is huge, then your chosen ideal form of
organization must provide security and assurance to the investors. IGNOU BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 They will
also want transparency and return on their investment.
On the other hand if the capital needed is reasonable then
other factors should be considered. Like the ownership of the business must not
be unnecessarily dilute. And there must be scope for future development and
expansion requiring further financing.
3] Nature of
Liability of the parties involved in the business can be
limited or unlimited. In terms of risk, an ideal form of organization will have
limited liability. So the liability of the owners is only limited to their
contribution of the capital. Their personal assets cannot be attached in case
of the business going bankrupt. On the other hand some forms of organization
have unlimited liability. And the owners are liable even beyond their
contribution to the company. So their personal assets and wealth can be in
danger. This is not an ideal situation.
4] Scope of Control
In an ideal form of organization, the control will be with
the owners of the firm. The management and ownership of a business must go hand
in hand. If the owners cannot take independent decisions then the business will
5] Continuity and
Stability and continuity is essential for the success of any
business. So the chosen form of organization must provide both. Also this will
allow the owners to plan for the future and carry out their long term plans
without interruption or disturbance,
6] Flexibility
Every business functions in a very complex and dynamic
business environment. So it becomes essential that they can be flexible in
their operations to adapt and succeed in this changing environment. So an ideal
form of organization will provide this flexibility.
7] Secrecy
Some businesses require secrecy about their records and
processes. Other businesses will not suffer if there is transparency. So
accordingly the owners must chose the form of organization that suits them
8] Lawful Business
This is a given. The choice of business must be legal. There
can be no illegal activities or transactions and the form of organization you
chose should safeguard this
Q.3 What do
you mean by span of control? Discuss factors affecting span of control. (5, 5)
This is a crucial information for managers since they need
to understand which are the resources available from a human resources
standpoint. A hierarchical organizational structure normally has well defined
boundaries that allow the manager to fully understand who are part of his team.
Nevertheless, when job positions are not properly designed,
a confusing situation might emerge where a person has two or more bosses. IGNOU BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 This
is important to avoid since it creates conflicts within the structure and
guidelines become unclear for the subordinate. A clear definition of the span
of control allows the manager to plan, organize and divide the work load among
his team according to his work method, assigning each team member the duties he
thinks they are capable to handle, according to their skills, knowledge and
academic background.
Managers can also implement metrics to evaluate the
performance of their span and influence them to increase their productivity
depending on the results obtained.
Factors affecting
Span of Control
1. Nature of the work: If the work is simple and repetitive,
the span of control can be wider. However, if the work requires close supervision
the span of control must be narrow.
2. Ability of the manager: Some managers are more capable of
supervising large numbers of people than others. Thus for a manager who
possesses qualities of leadership, decision-making ability, and communication skill
in greater degree the span of control may be wider.
3. Efficiency of the organisation: Organisations with
efficient working systems and competent personnel can have larger span of
4. Staff assistants: When staff assistants are employed,
contact between Organising supervisors and subordinates can be reduced and the
span broadened.
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5. Time available for supervision: The span of control
should be narrowed at higher levels because top managers have less time
available for supervision. They have to devote the major part of their work
time in planning, organising, directing and controlling.
6. Ability of the subordinates: Fresh entrants to jobs take
more of a supervisor’s time than trained persons who have acquired experience
in the job. Subordinates who have good judgement, initiative, and a sense of
obligation seek less guidance from the supervisor.
7. Degree of decentralisation: An executive who personally
takes many decisions is able to supervise fewer people than an executive who
merely provides encouragement and occasional direction.
Q.4 What is
the meaning of lease financing? Explain its advantages and limitations. (2, 8)
Meaning of Lease Financing— Lease financing is a contractual
agreement between the owner of the asset who grants the other party the right
to use the asset in return for a periodic payment and the other party who is
the user of such assets. The owner of the party is known as Lessor and the user
of the asset under such agreement is known as lessee and the rental paid is
known as lease rental.
1. Attention on Objectives: Planning helps in clearly laying
down objectives of the organization. The whole attention of management is given
towards the achievement of those objectives. There can be priorities in
objectives, important objectives to be taken up first and others to be followed
after them
2. Minimizing Uncertainties: Planning is always done for the
future. Nobody can predict accurately what is going to happen. IGNOU BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 Business
environments are always changing. Planning is an effort to foresee the future
and plan the things in a best possible way. Planning certainly minimizes future
uncertainties by basing its decisions on past experiences and present
3. Better Utilization of Resources: Another advantage of
planning is the better utilization of resources of the business. All the
resources are first identified and then operations are planned. All resources
are put to best possible uses.
4. Economy in Operations: The objectives are determined
first and then best possible course of action is selected for achieving these
objectives. The operations selected being better among possible alternatives,
there is an economy in operations. The method of trial and error is avoided and
resources are not wasted in making choices. The economy is possible in all
departments whether production, sales, purchases, finances, etc.
5. Better Co-ordination: The objectives of the organization
being common, all efforts are made to achieve these objectives by a concerted
effort of all. The duplication in efforts is avoided. Planning will lead to
better co-ordination in the organization which will ultimately lead to better
6. Encourages Innovations and Creativity: A better planning
system should encourage managers to devise new ways of doing the things. It
helps innovative and creative thinking among managers because they will think
of many new things while planning. It is a process which will provide awareness
for individual participation and will encourage an atmosphere of frankness
which will help in achieving better results.
7. Management by Exception Possible: Management by exception
means that management should not be involved in each and every activity. IGNOU BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 If the
things are going well then there should be nothing to worry and management
should intervene only when things are not going as per planning. Planning fixes
objectives of the organization and all efforts should be made to achieve these
objectives. Management should interfere only when things are not going well. By
the introduction of management by exception, managers are given more time for
planning the activities rather than wasting their time in directing day-to-day
8. Facilitates Control: Planning and control are
inseparable. Planning helps in setting objectives and laying down performance
standards. This will enable the management to cheek performance of
subordinates. The deviations in performance can be rectified at the earliest by
taking remedial measures.
9. Facilitates Delegation: Under planning process,
delegation of powers is facilitated. The goals of different persons are fixed.
They will be requiring requisite authority for getting the things clone.
Delegation of authority is facilitated through planning process.
Q.5 What is
wealth maximization? Why is wealth maximisation preferred over profit
maximisation. (4, 6)
Wealth maximization is the concept of increasing the value
of a business in order to increase the value of the shares held by its
stockholders. The concept requires a company's management team to continually
search for the highest possible returns on funds invested in the business,
while mitigating any associated risk of loss. This calls for a detailed
analysis of the cash flows associated with each prospective investment, as well
as constant attention to the strategic direction of the organization.
The most direct evidence of wealth maximization is changes
in the price of a company's shares. For example, if a company spends funds to
develop valuable new intellectual property, the investment community is likely
to recognize the future positive cash flows associated with this new property
by bidding up the price of the company's shares. Similar reactions may occur if
a business reports continuing increases in cash flow or profits.
Wealth Maximization: Wealth maximization is one of the
modern approaches, which involves latest innovations and improvements in the
field of the business concern. The term wealth means shareholder wealth or the
wealth of the persons those who are involved in the business concern. Wealth
maximization is also known as value maximization or net present worth
maximization. This objective is a universally accepted concept in the field of
business. It removes technical disadvantages of the profit maximization.
Wealth maximization is superior to the profit maximization
because the main aim of the business concern under this concept is to improve
the value or wealth of the shareholders. Wealth maximization considers the
comparison of the value to cost associated with the business concern. Total
value detected from the total cost incurred for the business operation. It
provides extract value of the business concern. IGNOU BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 This concept considers both
time and risk of business concern.
This criteria provides efficient allocation of resources and
it also ensures the economic interest of the society. The wealth maximization
criterion is based on cash flows generated and not on accounting profit. The computation
of cash inflows and cash outflows is precise. Wealth maximization can be
activated only with the help of the profitable position of the business
So The goal of maximizing the value of the stock avoids the
problems associated with the different goals we discussed above.in a simple
language a good financial decisions increase the market value of the owners’
equity and poor financial decisions decrease it. So the financial manager best
serves the owners of the business by identifying goods and services that add
value to the firm because they are desired and valued in the free marketplace. IGNOU BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 So it is a long term concept based on the cash flows rather than profits and
hence there can be a situation where a business makes losses every year but
there are cash profits because of heavy depreciation which indirectly suggests
heavy investment in fixed assets and that is the real wealth and it takes into
account the time value of money and so is universally accepted.
section contains five short questions of 6 marks each)
Q.6 “A manager
can be more effective if he is a good leader.” Comment. (6)
Managers: executers
for a leader’s vision
Generally speaking, managers will administer the ideas of
the leader. A leader will strive to innovate and champion new work policy, they
will steer the direction of the business and have a level of courage that is required
for good leadership . Imagine leaders as trendsetters and managers are those
who follow those trends, making sure the workforce adheres to those trends. IGNOU BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 It
isn’t dictatorship, though employees who are confident in their leaders will
understand that the trends that they are following are good trends. Trends that
come from a place of understanding, innovation and expertise. Call it vision,
if you will.
Managers are not purely facilitators to a leader’s vision,
however. They help to further the vision of a leader by ensuring that employees
follow. Managers are the guardians who oversee the activities of the business.
It is important to have a team of good managers because they can be the
difference between helping a company drive towards success or not. Leaders
aren’t without blame either.
A bad leader can be even worse than a bad set of managers
because their bad decisions can lead to the ending of a company. The most
recent example is Marissa Meyer at Yahoo! During her polemical tenure, she
attempted to revitalise Yahoo! through multiple (and unsuccessful)
acquisitions. It didn’t take long for Yahoo! to be bought by Verizon for a
meagre 4.8 billion dollars. Essentially what managers do is organise,
facilitate, assign and define purpose. If you imagine that leaders ask the
questions what and why, it is the managers who ask how and when.
The leader, reap the
Although both intertwined, both have to think differently
about how they approach their role – it isn’t just a case of following the
leader blindly. Leaders have to believe in their ideas with all their gusto and
convince people that this is the appropriate vision for the business and
managers then have to ensure that the leaders vision is being carried out
properly which requires high levels of strategic planning, delegation and its
own sense of leadership, too.
Leaders often break the mould – while managers deal with
complex systems and how best to utilise their team in those systems, leaders
tend to find the best people to have around them and then the system is built
around that.
A key difference between leaders and management then is that
leaders inspire their workforce and that is invaluable. Leaders think more
longterm, they take risks and seek transformation and shape a credible workforce. IGNOU BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 Think of it like parliament, the leader of a political party is the one with
the vision and the people who help him or her carry out that vision are the
elected politicians. Managers, like members of parliament, are important for
organisational success, no doubt, but it is the leaders who really steer a
company (or political party) towards success with their vision. They go hand in
hand – a good leader will need a good manager, of course, but finding the right
leader is a lot more difficult than finding a good manager.
Distinguish between equity shares and preference shares. (6)
Equity Shares are the shares that carry voting rights and
the rate of dividend also fluctuate every year as it depends on the amount of
profit available to the company. On the other hand, Preference Shares are the
shares that do not carry voting rights in the company as well as the amount of
dividend is also fixed.
One of the major difference between equity shares and
preference shares is that the dividend on preference shares is cumulative in
nature, whereas the equity share dividend does not cumulates, even if not paid
for several years.
When a decision has to be taken on the capital structure,
one must go for a mix of the two types of shares, in the share capital of the
And for this, one needs to have a general understanding on
the two, so take a read of this article and know the difference. Equity shares
are the ordinary shares of the company. The holder of the equity shares are the
real owners of the company, i.e. the amount of shares held by them is the
portion of their ownership in the company.
Equity shareholders have some privileges like they get
voting rights at the general meeting, they can appoint or remove the directors
and auditors of the company. Apart from that, they have the right to get the
profits of the company, i.e. the more the profit, the more is their dividend
and vice versa. Therefore, the amount of dividends is not fixed. This does not
mean that they will get the whole profit, but the residual profit, which
remains after paying all expenses and liabilities on the company.
Preference Shares
Preference Shares, as its name suggests, gets precedence
over equity shares on the matters like distribution of dividend at a fixed rate
and repayment of capital in the event of liquidation of the company. The
preference shareholders are also the part owners of the company like equity
shareholders, but in general, they do not have voting rights. However, they get
right to vote on the matters which directly affect their rights like the
resolution of winding up of the company, or in the case of the reduction of
The following are the
types of preference shares:
Participating Preference Shares
Non-Participating Preference Shares
Convertible Preference Shares
Non-Convertible Preference Shares
Cumulative Preference Shares
Non-Cumulative Preference Shares
Differences Between
Equity Shares and Preference Shares
Equity shares cannot be converted into preference shares. However, Preference
shares could be converted into equity shares.
· Equity
shares are irredeemable, but preference shares are redeemable.
· The
next major difference is the ‘right to vote’. In general, equity shares carry
the right to vote, although preference shares do not carry voting rights.
· If
in a financial year, dividend on equity shares is not declared and paid, then
the dividend for that year lapses. On the other hand, in the same situation,
the preference shares dividend gets accumulated which is paid in the next
financial year except in the case of non-cumulative preference shares.
· The
rate of dividend is consistent for preference shares, while the rate of equity
dividend depends on the amount of profit earned by the company in the financial
year. Thus it goes on changing.
Q.8 Write a
short note on job enrichment. (6)
Job enrichment is a process that is characterized by adding
dimensions to existing jobs to make them more motivating. Examples of job
enrichment include adding extra tasks (also called job enlargement), increasing
skill variety, adding meaning to jobs, creating autonomy, and giving feedback.
The goal of job enrichment is to create a motivating job.
This can be done, for example, by taking a regular, ‘boring’ job and adding
extra responsibilities that make the job more meaningful for the worker. Job
enrichment is, therefore, part of job design and job redesign.
The biggest reason to invest in job enrichment is that it
leads to motivation. This makes job enrichment especially relevant for highly
skilled, white-collar service jobs. According to Fein (1986), job enrichment is
less important for blue-collar workers. IGNOU BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 Here their primary concern is pay, job
security, and the rules of the workplace. Job enrichment is less effective in
this context because it does not address these problems. To conclude with a job
enrichment definition: Job enrichment is the process of adding motivators to
existing roles in order to increase satisfaction and productivity for the
Q.9 “None
of the four forms of business organisations has all the features of an ideal
form of organisation.” Comment. (6)
If one is planning to start a business or is interested in
expanding an existing one, an important decision relates to the choice of the
form of organisation. The most appropriate form is determined by weighing the
advantages and disadvantages of each type of organisation against one’s own
requirements. Various forms of business organisations from which one can choose
the right one include:
(a) Sole proprietorship,
(b) Joint Hindu family business,
(c) Partnership,
(d) Cooperative societies, and
(e) Joint stock company
Sole Proprietorship Do you often go in the evenings to buy
registers, pens, chart papers, etc., from a small neighbourhood stationery
store? Well, in all probability in the course of your transactions, you have
interacted with a sole proprietor. Sole proprietorship is a popular form of
business organisation and is the most suitable form for small businesses,
especially in their initial years of operation. Sole proprietorship refers to a
form of business organisation which is owned, managed and Sole trader is a type
of business unit where a person is solely responsible for providing the
capital, for bearing the risk of the enterprise and for the management of
J.L. Hansen The individual proprietorship is the form of
business organisation at the head of which stands an individual as one who is
responsible, who directs its operations and who alone runs the risk of failure.
L.H. Haney controlled by an individual who is the recipient of all profits and
bearer of all risks. This is evident from the term itself. The word “sole”
implies “only”, and “proprietor” refers to “owner”. Hence, a sole proprietor is
the one who is the only owner of a business. This form of business is
particularly common in areas of personalised services such as beauty parlours,
hair saloons and small scale activities like running a retail shop in a
Joint Hindu Family
Business Joint Hindu family business is a specific form of
business organisation found only in India. It is one of the oldest forms of
business organisation in the country. It refers to a form of organisation
wherein the business is owned and carried on by the members of the Hindu
Undivided Family (HUF). It is governed by the Hindu Law. IGNOU BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 The basis of
membership in the business is birth in a particular family and three successive
generations can be members in the business. The business is controlled by the head
of the family who is the eldest member and is called karta. All members have
equal ownership right over the property of an ancestor and they are known as
The inherent disadvantage of the sole proprietorship in
financing and managing an expanding business paved the way for partnership as a
viable option. Partnership serves as an answer to the needs of greater capital
investment, varied skills and sharing of risks. The Indian Partnership Act,
1932 defines partnership as “the relation between persons who have agreed to
share the profit of the business carried on by all or any one of them acting
for all
Enumerate the principal characteristics of managerial leadership. (6)
Characteristics of
managerial leadership
Leadership In order to be an effective manager, you need to
be able to lead your employees in an efficient manner. A lot of responsibility
comes with being a manager, and being able to lead a team is required.
Experience If you don’t have experience working in a
professional environment and leading a team, it will be hard to step up as a
manager. A great way to gain experience in a management role is to volunteer,
either within your field or with a nonprofit. Ask to help manage and produce
events, whether it’s raising money for an organization or organizing an event.
Communication Being able to communicate with your team is
required when being an effective manager. This not only means communicating job
responsibilities and expectations, it means listening to your team and working
with them to produce results within their position.
Knowledge Experience as a manager is a must but so is
knowledge. There are many different degrees offered for managers, including a
bachelor’s degree in business or a master’s degree in leadership or project
management. IGNOU BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 You can also get a certificate in project management,
entrepreneurship, ethics, or human resource management.
Organization If you aren’t organized in your position,
there’s a good chance that the employees you manage won’t be either. There are
many resources online that can inspire you to get organized. You can also buy a
personal planner or download an app on your phone that can remind you of
meetings, tasks you need to complete every day, etc.
Time Management Another key factor in being a successful
manager is time management. If you’re late every day, your employees might
think it’s acceptable to also be late. Time management is also important when
it comes to prioritizing your day, making sure you have time to communicate
with your employees, and accomplishing goals throughout the week.
Reliability A manager that is leading a team has to be
reliable. This means being available for your employees, getting things done
that you said you would, and supporting your team however needed.
Delegation If you don’t know how to delegate projects and
tasks, your role as a manager will be a lot more difficult. IGNOU BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 Don’t be afraid to
ask your employees to help complete a task. You might think it’s easier to do
everything yourself, but this will add more time to your already busy schedule,
and you won’t be allowing your employees to do what they were hired to do.
Confidence To be an effective manager, you need to be
confident in your abilities, experience, and decisions. This doesn’t mean you
have to be arrogant or feel that you’re better than your employees. But you’re
in a management role for a reason, so be proud and be an inspiration to your
Respect for Employees If you don’t respect your employees,
there will definitely be tension in your workplace. Be cognizant of their time
and abilities, be able to listen and communicate with them, and be a resource
of knowledge and guidance.
section contains four short questions of 5 marks each)
Q.11 What
are the most common barriers to effective communication? (5)
Regardless of the type of communication: verbal, nonverbal,
written, listening or visual, if we don't communicate effectively, we put
ourselves and others at risk. Besides physical and technical barriers, there
are six barriers to effective communication every employee and manager should
strive to eradicate.
Dissatisfaction or
Disinterest With One’s Job
If you are unhappy or have lost interest in your job, you
are far less likely to communicate effectively – both on the giving and
receiving ends. In other words, your heart isn’t in it. This barrier, is
perhaps the most difficult to overcome because it involves changing a mindset,
and thus it typically doesn’t change until the person leaves.
Inability to Listen
to Others
Active listening is an important aspect of effective
communication. You cannot engage with someone if you are not listening to them
because you will tend to make assumptions about their needs based on your
perceptions versus reality.
Lack of Transparency
& Trust
It is extremely difficult to communicate anything when there
is a lack of transparency and trust. For example, if your staff believes you
are holding something back, they will be anxious, some will speculate, and as a
result, it will be more difficult for them to process any attempt you make to
communicate with them.
Communication Styles
(when they differ)
Everyone has their own communication style. Some people are
very direct while others prefer a more indirect approach. Some use detailed
data, while others rely on generalities, and so forth. Occasionally, one person
is so entrenched in their way of communicating, they find it difficult to
communicate with others who rely on a different style. You might hear comments
such as, “Mary never explains what she wants me to do, she’s never specific” or
“Bill gets so caught up in the weeds, that I lose focus on the bigger picture.”
Conflicts in the
Conflict can happen for a variety of reasons and when it
does, it becomes a barrier to effective communication. The nature of the
conflict is not necessarily important, what is important is working to resolve
the conflict. When conflict is not eradicated, it grows and then people begin
to take sides, which further impedes effective communication.
Cultural Differences
& Language
It is important to understand the cultural differences in
communication. But don’t just think international as in remembering that in
Japan one’s surname precedes their given name. There can also be regional
differences – for example, a northerner might not like the term
"y’all" or even understand the more comprehensive version, "all
y’all." While these examples may seem trivial, the point is that cultural
differences can occur within the boundaries of the US, and when one does not
recognize cultural differences, they risk offending the other person. It is in
the offense that communication breaks down.
Distinguish between outsourcing and off shoring.
Outsourcing refers to an organization contracting work out
to a 3rd party, while offshoring refers to getting work done in a different
country, usually to leverage cost advantages. It's possible to outsource work
but not offshore it; for example, hiring an outside law firm to review
contracts instead of maintaining an in-house staff of lawyers. It is also
possible to offshore work but not outsource it; for example, a Dell customer
service center in India to serve American clients. Offshore outsourcing is the
practice of hiring a vendor to do the work offshore, usually to lower costs and
take advantage of the vendor's expertise, economies of scale, and large and
scalable labor pool.
Outsourcing Benefit
There are several reasons why a company might outsource. While this can be a
politically sensitive topic, management experts generally agree that
outsourcing - when done right - increases competitive advantage with a natural
division of labor that evolves in any society. Reasons for outsourcing include:
· Cost
advantage: Costs are arguably the chief motivation behind outsourcing. Often
companies find that contracting work out to a 3rd party is cheaper.
Focus on core competency:There are a lot of business functions in a company.
For example, human resources, information technology, manufacturing, sales,
marketing, payroll, accounting, finance, security, transportation and logistics
among others. Most of these are not "core" to the company. A "core"
activity is one which offers the company competitive advantage over its
competitors. It is an activity that the company does better than the
competition, which is the main reason its customers do business with the
company. Having to handle noncore functions is a distraction, so many companies
outsource them.
Quality and Capability:Often companies don't have in-house expertise for
certain activities. In these cases, it is more efficient to outsource, and
resulting products and services tend to be of higher quality when provided by
outsourcing vendors.
Labor flexibility: Outsourcing allows a company to ramping up and down quickly
as needed. For example, a company may need a large number software programming
experts for 6-8 months to develop an application. BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 It would be infeasible to
hire people for only 6 months. Outsourcing, however, can provide flexibility so
the company does not have to worry about hiring and firing.
When outsourcing is combined with offshoring, not only is
work contracted out to a third party, but it is also agreed that the work will
be performed in a different country. The reasons are usually to take advantage
of the benefits of outsourcing and offshoring both. Offshore outsourcing
combines the benefits of outsourcing, such as easier resource ramp up and ramp
down, and more specialized skills; with the benefits of offshoring, such as
lower costs and higher productivity
Distinguish between marketing concept and societal concept. (5)
The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference
between marketing concept and societal marketing concept.
“Marketing concept starts with the company’s target
customers and their needs and wants. The company integrates and co-ordinates
all the activities that will affect customer satisfaction. The company achieves
profit through creating and maintaining customer satisfaction. In essence, the
marketing concept is consumers’ needs and wantsorientation backed by integrated
marketing effort aimed at generating customer satisfaction as the key to
satisfying organisational goals” observes Philip Kotler.
Unfortunately, there are not nary companies in the advanced
countries such as U.S.A. which have adopted marketing concept. Only a handful
of than such as Procter and Gamble, IBM, Gillette, Kodak, GEC, and few other
have adopted marketing concept in true sense.
Most companies have not reached ‘full marketing maturity
stage’. As Kotler says, ‘most companies do not grasp or embrace the marketing
concept until driven to it by circumstance’. BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 The marketing concept, thus, needs
a central place or position in the business firm if customers needs and wants
have to be correctly understood and satisfied. It needs to influence and
control over other departments of a firm if the customers have to be satisfied.
This satisfaction is possible to be delivered if the other departments such as
production, finance, personnel, and R&D perform their functions in constant
collaboration and rapport with the marketing department.
Q.14 Write
a short note on employee engagement.
Employee engagement is a human resources (HR) concept that
describes the level of enthusiasm and dedication a worker feels toward their
job. Engaged employees care about their work and about the performance of the
company, and feel that their efforts make a difference. BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 An engaged employee is
in it for more than a paycheck and may consider their well-being linked to their
performance, and thus instrumental to their company's success.
Employee engagement can be critical to a company's success,
given its clear links to job satisfaction and employee morale. BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 Communication is
a critical part of creating and maintaining employee engagement. Engaged
employees are more likely to be productive and higher performing. They also
often display a greater commitment to a company's values and goals.
Employers can encourage employee engagement in many ways,
including communicating expectations clearly, offering rewards and promotions
for excellent work, keeping employees informed about the company's performance,
and providing regular feedback. Other strategies include making efforts to make
employees feel valued and respected, and feeling that their ideas are being
heard and understood. Engaged employees believe that their work is meaningful,
believe that they are appreciated and backed by their supervisors and that they
have been entrusted with the success of their company. BCOC 132 Free Solved Assignment 2022 Employee engagement has
been a considered part of management theory since the 1990s and became widely
adopted in the 2000s. While it has its detractors, mostly based on how
difficult it can be to measure, employee engagement has been found to have
direct links to a company's profitability and financial health.
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