BSOC 134
Programme: BAG/2021/2022
Course Code: BSOC 134
Max. Marks: 100
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BSOC 134 Free Solved
Assignment - I
Answer the
following Descriptive Category questions in about 500 words each. Each question
carries 20 marks. 2 x20=40
1. Briefly
narrate sociological perspectives on qualitative research.
Social life is full of experiences that prompt people to
reexamine their surroundings. For example, an unpleasant public encounter may
motivate us to try retrospectively to make sense of the event we ask how and
why things happened as they did). IGNOU BSOC 134 Free Solved Assignment 2022 In
many ways, all human beings are novice researchers who give meaning to,
interpret, and predict their social world. This work of researching and
theorizing about society encompasses an infinite number of topics. For
instance, some may wonder about their personal relationships (e.g., ‘Why did my
significant other not return my phone call?’), while others may be preoccupied
with weightier matters of social justice (e.g.,‘How can we stop all the
violence in the world?’) or, as is often the case, we may be interested in both
personal and global issues. IGNOU BSOC 134 Free Solved Assignment 2022 The
specific focus of questions aside, all human beings are interested in
understanding and explaining everyday experiences.This basic sense of curiosity
is the foundation of social science research, or what may be defined loosely as
the act of reexamining the social world with the goal of better understanding
or explaining why or how people behave.
This elementary definition emphasizes the rediscovery
process that is invariably embedded in research. In a sense, the word
‘research’ can literally be interpreted as ‘renewed search,’ or
‘re-examination.’ Naturally, most people are not inclined to invest time or
effort to formally study their social environment. Social scientists, by
profession, are in the business of exploring all aspects of human behavior and
environment. IGNOU BSOC 134 Free Solved Assignment 2022 You may be beginning to
wonder how one should go about doing social science research.That is, what
criteria inform the questions we ask and where do we look for answers? Is it
reasonable, for example, to conclude that an imaginary man named Joe does not
return his girlfriend’s phone calls because of recent changes in the lunar
cycle or misalignment of certain planets? Perhaps.What is considered a
reasonable course of inquiry, to a large extent, depends on the investigator’s
disciplinary orientation. Certainly, for an astrologer, the arrangement of the
constellations would be a very useful source of information. However, to the
dismay of some, astrology does not meet the conventional requirements of
scientific investigation, which demand logically connecting certain empirical
facts with an explanation of those facts. IGNOU BSOC 134 Free Solved Assignment
2022 The notion that planetary movements cause human behavior leaves many
logical questions unanswered. Alternatively, a more scientifically oriented
discipline, such as abnormal psychology, might explain Joe’s rude behavior in
terms of his inability to empathize with the needs of others.
Elaborate various dimensions of comparative methods.
Comparison is a fmdny:ntaJ tool of analysis. It shaipeas out
power of description, and plays a c:eatral role in coacept-formatioa by
bringing into focus suggestive similarities aud contrasts amoog cases.
Comparison is routinely used in testing hypotheses, and it can contribute to
the inductive discovery of new hypotheses and to theory-building. IGNOU BSOC
134 Free Solved Assignment 2022 The
forms of comparison employed in the discipline of political science vary widely
and include those contained in statistical analysis, experimmtal research, and
historical studies. At the same time, the label "comparative method" bas
a standard meaning within the discipline and in the social mote broadly: it
refers to the methodological issues that arise in the systematic analysis of a
small number of cases, or a "small N. IGNOU BSOC 134 Free Solved Assignment
2022 " This chapter examines alternative perspectives on the comparative
method that have emerged over roughly the past two decades. Although the
primary focus is on discussions located in the fields of comparative politics
and international studies, the application of the comparative method is by no
means restricted to fields.
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The decision to analyze only a few cases is strongly
influenced by the types of political phenomena under study aud how they are
conceptuafu.ed. Topics for which it is productive to examine relatively few
cases include revolutions, particular types of national political regimes
(e.g., postconummist regimes), oc particular forms of UJban political systems. IGNOU
BSOC 134 Free Solved Assignment 2022 This focus oa a small number of cases is
adopted because tbeze exist relatively few instances of the under consideration
that exhibit the attnl>utes of interest to the analyst. Alternatively, some
analysts believe that political phenomena in general are best understood
through the careful examination of a small numbec of cases. In the field of
comparative and international studies, the practice of focusing on few cases
has achieved greater legilimllcy in recent years in conjunction with the rise
of the school of "comparative historical analysis, in which small numbers
of countries are studied over- long periods. This close scrutiny of each country
limits the number of national cases a scholar can consider. Choosing to study
few cases routinely poses the problem of having more rival explanations to
assess than cases to observe, or the quandary of "many variables, small
N" (Lijphart 1971, 686). Elementary statistic.a teaches us that u the
number of explanatory factors approaches the number of casea, the capacity to
adjudicate among the explanations through statistical comparison rapidly
Assignment - II
Answer the
following Short Category questions in about 250 words each. Each question
carries 10 marks. 3 x 10 = 30
3. Explain
the significance empiricism in social research
Empiricism is the view that all knowledge (apart from purely
logical relations between concepts) is based on, or derives from, sensory
experience. IGNOU BSOC 134 Free Solved Assignment 2022 Empiricism however is
unable to specify the nature of the relationship between knowledge and
experience. Empiricism denies the idealistic view that the mind is equipped
with concepts that owe nothing to experience. Empiricists claim that at birth
the mind is a ‘blank sheet’ and only experience can provide ideas.
Some empiricists thus claim that the truth of factual
statements can only be established inductively from experience. They thus deny
the Cartesian view that supposes that people can grasp general truths about
reality independently of experience. IGNOU BSOC 134 Free Solved Assignment 2022
There are various approaches to empiricism, but many start from the idea that
experimental science (e.g. physics) is the exemplar of human knowledge. This is
in contrast with rationalism which assigned a similar role to pure mathematics.
(Some empiricists regard pure mathematics as independent of sense experience
only dealing in tautology).
Empiricism tends to a view that knowledge acquisition is a
piecemeal, selfcorrecting process limited by observation and experiment.
Empiricism is thus sceptical of general metaphysical systems. The empiricist
position raises the problem of how people acquire abstract ideas that are not
the result of direct experience, especially mathematical ideas like point and
Elaborate the relationship between theory and research.
Theory can be defined as the generalized thinking or a
conclusion of something, which is a result of an analysis. Theories are always
proven scientifically with evidence. Both social and physical scientists engage
in theorizing knowledge, which helps humans to understand things clearly. IGNOU
BSOC 134 Free Solved Assignment 2022 Theory is different from a hypothesis.
Hypothesis is merely an idea or a concept, which is not scientifically
analyzed. These are the assumptions made by scientists before an investigation.
However, once the hypotheses are analyzed and proved to be correct, they are
recognized as theories. But not all hypotheses become theories.
Research is a way of expanding the existing knowledge base
and creating new knowledge. This is a creative work that is done systematically
in order to increase the stock of knowledge of humans and also to use this
knowledge to make new applications. IGNOU BSOC 134 Free Solved Assignment 2022
Usually, a research is preceded by a hypothesis. When a problem arises,
scientists usually make a hypothesis around the problem. Then, they apply
various research methodologies in order to find out whether the hypothesis is
correct or not. If the research gives a positive result, there is a possibility
for the hypothesis to become a theory. Or else, the scientists would have to
make new assumptions and continue the research. IGNOU BSOC 134 Free Solved
Assignment 2022 There are various kinds of research too. Scientific,
humanistic, economic, social, business, etc. are some of the research fields.
• Theory is a generalized concept which provides an
explanation to existing things.
• Research is a way of expanding the existing knowledge base
and creating new knowledge.
• Nature:
• Theory is a conceptual framework. Theory is used to
explain things.
• Research is a creative work that generate new knowledge.
• Practical Nature:
• Research is mostly a practical approach.
• Arrangement:
• Theory is usually a result of research. An assumption is
made to a theory after a series of researches
5. Explain
the various stages of understating a social research.
Research is an intensive and purposeful search for knowledge
and understanding of social and physical phenomena. It is a method for the
discovery of true values in a scientific way. Research may be defined as the
application of the scientific method in the study of problems. At times, the
terms research and scientific method are used interchangeably. Webster’s
Twentieth Century Dictionary defines the term Research as a careful, patient,
systematic, diligent inquiry or examination in some field of knowledge
undertaken to establish facts or principles. IGNOU BSOC 134 Free Solved
Assignment 2022 According to Random Dictionary of English Language “Research as
a diligent and systematic enquiry or investigation into a subject in order to
discover or revise facts, theories, application etc”. Research is an activity
undertaken to establish facts or principles in a scientific way.
Social research Social research may be defined as a
scientific undertaking by means of logical and systematized techniques. Social
research consists of the process of formulating and seeking answers to
questions about the social world. Social research is fundamentally a scientific
enterprise aims to:
Discover new facts or
verify and test old facts;
Analyze their sequences, inter-relationships and causal
explanations which are derived with an appropriate theoretical frame of
Develop new scientific tools and theories which would
facilitate reliable and valid study of human behavior
Development of knowledge
Scientific study of social life.
Welfare of humanity
Classification of facts
Social control and prediction
Assignment - III
Answer the
following Short Category questions in about 100 words each. Each question
carries 6 marks. 5 x 6 = 30
Elaborate the concept of social facts.
Durkheims concept of social facts, and will seek to explain
the importance of these facts in relation to his work. Durkheim identified a
group phenomena within society which he claimed could be studied independently.
IGNOU BSOC 134 Free Solved Assignment 2022 These phenomena referred to the
different acts that we all engage in within society, such as values, beliefs,
and laws that we follow, he referred to these as social facts. (Giddens, 1971)
A social fact is defined in two ways; first is that they are external to the
individual, and secondly they have some sort of control over the individual,
such as a law that the individual knows exists and therefore certain behaviour
will result in some sort of penalty. Social facts were an important aspect of
Durkheim’s work, as he was attempting to see a role for the social which was
distinguished from the psychological and biological aspect of life and the
Elaborate the place of objectivity on social research.
Objectivity’ in qualitative research, its importance in
social research, and various issues related to establishing objectivity in
social research. The paper aims to improve the skills of the novice social
researchers and readers. Since more than five decades, the use of qualitative
research has been increased in academically developed countries (i.e. USA, UK,
Germany, France etc.), and the use of qualitative research in institutions of
developing countries has also been witnessed in recent past. Qualitative
research explores several areas related to human behaviours and socio-cultural
settings/environments. As human behaviours and nature of human interactions are
ever changing, hence, the question of objective research arises and makes
social research more subjective. Therefore, this study primarily aims to
critically analyse the stance of social researchers on objectivity in social
research and discuss the possible factors, which may influence qualitative
research. Thus, the paper providing the deliberation on objectivity in social
research inspires the novice researchers for the development of qualitative
research instead of traditional method, deductive, in social research.
8. Explain
the reflexivity in social research.
In epistemology, and more specifically, the sociology of knowledge,
reflexivity refers to circular relationships between cause and effect,
especially as embedded in human belief structures. A reflexive relationship is
bidirectional with both the cause and the effect affecting one another in a
relationship in which neither can be assigned as causes or effects. Within
sociology more broadly—the field of origin—reflexivity means an act of
self-reference where examination or action "bends back on", refers
to, and affects the entity instigating the action or examination. It commonly
refers to the capacity of an agent to recognise forces of socialisation and
alter their place in the social structure. A low level of reflexivity would
result in individuals shaped largely by their environment (or
"society"). IGNOU BSOC 134 Free Solved Assignment 2022 A high level of
social reflexivity would be defined by individuals shaping their own norms,
tastes, politics, desires, and so on. This is similar to the notion of
9. Explain
the features of ethnomethodology .
Ethnomethodology is the study of how social order is
produced in and through processes of social interaction. It generally seeks to
provide an alternative to mainstream sociological approaches. In its most
radical form, it poses a challenge to the social sciences as a whole. early
investigations led to the founding of conversation analysis, which has found
its own place as an accepted discipline within the academy. According to
Psathas, it is possible to distinguish five major approaches within the
ethnomethodological family of disciplines. Ethnomethodology is a fundamentally
descriptive discipline which does not engage in the explanation or evaluation
of the particular social order undertaken as a topic of study. However,
applications have been found within many applied disciplines, such as software
design and management studies.
10. Discuss
features of feminist methodology
Feminist methodology is the approach to research that has
been developed in response to concerns by feminist scholars about the limits of
traditional methodology to capture the experiences of women and others who have
been marginalized in academic research. Feminist methodology includes a wide
range of methods, approaches, and research strategies. Beginning in the early
1970s, feminist scholars critiqued positivist scientific methods that reduced
lived experiences to a series of disconnected variables that did not do justice
to the complexities of social life. Feminists were also among the first
scholars to highlight the marginalization of women of color in academic
research and to offer research strategies that would counter this trend within
academia (Baca Zinn 1979; Collins 1990).
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