IGNOU MPS 004 Solved Assignment 2023-24

Free MPS 004 Solved Assignment English Medium 2023-24 for July 2023 and January 2024 Session, All IGNOU Assignments (Programme Wise) · Master's Degree Programmes · Bachelor's Degree Programmmes · P.G. Diplomaa Programmes · Diploma Programmes · Certificate Programmes. IGNOU Assignment 2023-24 (UPDATED) Get Here. IGNOU Assignment Status 2023-24, Marks, Grade Card, Practical Submission

M.P.S – 004


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NOTE: All questions are compulsory.

Section I

Q1. Political science can deal with 'state building' better than 'nation building'. Explain.

Q2. Briefly describe the main approaches to the study of Nationalism.

Q3. In what ways has globalization affected state sovereignty? Explain.

Q4. What do you understand by self–determination? Evaluate the debate on self– determination.

Q5. Write a short note on each part of the following questions in about 250 words:

a) Gramsci on Civil Society

b) Pluralist liberal theory of the state

Section II

Q6. What do you understand by ethnic identity? Why do ethnic groups get politically activated?

Q7. Write a short note on each part of the following questions in about 250 words:

a) Characteristics of military regimes

b) Maurice Duverger’s classification of Party Systems

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Q8. Describe and evaluate the position of developing countries on key issues in the environment debate

Q9. Write a short note on each part of the following questions in about 250 words:

a) Development approach to participation

b) Eco-feminism

Q10. Describe and evaluate major trends of Human Development in developing countries.

IGNOU MPS 004 Solved Assignment English Medium 2023-24 The Indira Gandhi National Open  University has updated the IGNOU Assignment Status 2023-24 December Session so that students can know if their submission is completed or not. Now if you have also submitted your Assignment/Practical/Project till 15 December 2023 then you must be worried about the Assignment Status and Grade Card. So we decided to come up with https://ignouadmission.samarth.edu.in/ Assignment 2023-24.

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