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B.P.Y – 009

Contemporary Western Philosophy IGNOU BPY 009 Solved Assignment 2023-24

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1. Write an essay on the contribution of J. L. Austin and P. F. Strawson in the development of ordinary language philosophy.

J.L. Austin and P.F. Strawson are two prominent figures in the development of ordinary language philosophy, a movement within 20th-century analytic philosophy that emphasized the importance of everyday language in understanding philosophical problems and concepts. Their contributions have had a profound impact on the field, challenging traditional philosophical approaches and introducing new perspectives. In this essay, I will discuss the contributions of both Austin and Strawson to the development of ordinary language philosophy.

John Langshaw Austin (1911-1960) is often regarded as one of the key figures in the emergence of ordinary language philosophy. His work, particularly his philosophy of language, brought a fresh perspective to the study of language and meaning. Austin's contributions can be summarized in the following ways:

Speech Act Theory: Austin's work is best known for his development of speech act theory. He introduced the idea that when we use language, we are not just conveying information or describing the world; we are also performing various speech acts, such as making promises, giving orders, or making assertions. Austin categorized these speech acts into three main types: locutionary acts (the actual words spoken), illocutionary acts (the intended force or function of the utterance), and perlocutionary acts (the effect of the utterance on the listener). This theory revolutionized the study of language, highlighting the importance of context and intention in understanding the meaning of linguistic expressions.

Ordinary Language Analysis: Austin advocated for analyzing ordinary language use as a way to clarify and resolve philosophical problems. He believed that many philosophical puzzles arise from misunderstandings of how words are used in everyday speech. By examining the subtleties and nuances of ordinary language, Austin argued that philosophers could dissolve many traditional philosophical debates.

Sense and Sensibilia: In his work "Sense and Sensibilia," Austin engaged in a critical examination of sense-data theory, a prevalent view in epistemology at the time. He argued that philosophers often used misleading and ill-defined language when discussing sense data, and he aimed to show how ordinary language could be used to better address questions related to perception and knowledge.

P.F. Strawson (1919-2006) was another significant contributor to ordinary language philosophy. He built upon Austin's insights and further developed the movement. Strawson's contributions can be summarized as follows:

Descriptive Metaphysics: Strawson argued for the importance of descriptive metaphysics, which involves examining how we actually use language to talk about the world, rather than engaging in overly abstract or theoretical metaphysical speculation. He believed that philosophers should start by looking at how language is naturally used and build their metaphysical theories from there.

Ontology: Strawson's work on ontology challenged traditional ontological debates. He argued that philosophers should focus on the way we categorize and talk about the world in ordinary language, rather than engaging in abstract debates about the existence of entities. This approach, known as descriptive ontology, has had a significant impact on contemporary metaphysics.

Individuals and Persons: Strawson's influential work, "Individuals: An Essay in Descriptive Metaphysics," offered a detailed analysis of the concept of a person. He emphasized that our use of language presupposes the existence of individual persons, and this insight has had implications for discussions on personal identity and the philosophy of mind.

In conclusion, the contributions of J.L. Austin and P.F. Strawson to the development of ordinary language philosophy have been substantial. They emphasized the significance of examining everyday language use to clarify philosophical problems, introduced the concept of speech acts, and advocated for a shift toward descriptive metaphysics. Their work challenged traditional philosophical approaches and laid the foundation for a more linguistically and contextually sensitive analysis of philosophical issues. Ordinary language philosophy continues to influence contemporary philosophy, particularly in the philosophy of language, metaphysics, and epistemology.

Discuss and evaluate Wittgenstein’s picture theory.

2. Discuss Husserl’s idea of epoche.


Discuss and evaluate William James’ theory of Pragmatism.

Q3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 200 words each.

a) How did Heidegger show that the ontological possibility of Dasein’s totality and authenticity becomes ontically concrete?

b) Explain Kierkegaard’s idea of philosophy as a philosophy of leap.

c) Evaluate the idea of body in Marcel’s philosophy.

d) Critically examine Sartre’s idea that human is condemned to be free.

Q4. Answer any four of the following questions in about 150 words each.

a) Explain the idea of Rationality in Max Weber’s Philosophy.

b) Critically evaluate Marx’s idea of historical materialism.

c) What does Gadamer understand by the idea of linguisticality of understanding?

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d) “World is the totality of facts, not things.” Discuss.

e) What is structuralism?

f) What are the contributing factors for the frustration of human beings, as discussed by Albert Camus?

Q5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each.

a) Eidetic Reduction

b) Idea of Availability in Marcel’s philosophy

c) Langue

d) Family Resemblance

e) Post-Modernism

f) Private Language

g) Language as discourse

h) The Oedipus Crisis

IGNOU BPY 009 Solved Assignment English Medium 2023-24 The Indira Gandhi National Open  University has updated the IGNOU Assignment Status 2023-24 December Session so that students can know if their submission is completed or not. Now if you have also submitted your Assignment/Practical/Project till 15 December 2023 then you must be worried about the Assignment Status and Grade Card. So we decided to come up with Assignment 2023-24.

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