Analyse Ice-Candy Man as a novel of Partition
Ice-Candy Man as a novel of Partition. The new Ice- Delicacy- Man is set inpre-Partition India in Lahore. The new describes events of fermentation on the Indiansub-continent when it was disintegrated. “ Ice- Delicacy- Man presents the turbulent bouleversement of Partition from the view point of a hindered Parsi girl child, Lenny.” “ She looks at characters belonging to different communities through the prism of her own Parsi perceptivity. The new presents the horrifying details of callousness, mortal loss and migration. It describes society which has lost its courage, and thus only crumbles down. Ice-Candy Man as a novel of Partition. It not only presents the barbaric details of atrocities eternalized by one community over the other, but also delineates colorful instantiations of insignificancy and regressed values which, like termite, had hallowed the inner structural strength of the society.” Githa Hariharan while praising Sidhwa’s work in Economic Times states “ Sidhwa has captured the fermentation of the times, with a brilliant combination of individual growing up pains and collaborative anguish of a recently independent but disunited country.” “ Sidhwa, in this novel, shows how during collaborative strife, reason, mortal passions and once fellowship are forgotten. Cultural and religious exclusivity leads originally to incuriosity and latterly to disdain which ultimately becomes the breading ground for collaborative violence and partisanship. Sidhwa effectively establishes how religious fundamentalism with its stinking tradition affected the two nations in general and women in particular. Ice-Candy Man as a novel of Partition. In Sidhwas’s view, women are frequently the victims. She shows the brutalities which collaborative delirium causes. Indeed musketeers and suckers turn hostile.” This has artistically been portrayed through the relationship between different communities in the novel. Before the screams break out all communities live in peace and harmony and aren't conscious of their religious individualities. Still, when the screams break out everything undergoes a change. Nearly all manly characters are presented as collaborative, indifferent, apathetic and destructive in the novel. “ Bare data present the horror of the topmost collaborative peak in history. Bapsi Sidhwa aptly shows the inexorable sense of Partition which moves on relentlessly leaving indeed stable people and musketeers helpless and ineffective.” During a quarrel, She r Singh threatens the Muslims with dire consequences in the event of Partition “ You do n’t worry about our leverage! Ice-Candy Man as a novel of Partition.
We can look out for ourselves … You ’ll feel our leverage each right when the time comes!” This shows how deep the collaborative disharmony among the Hindus, the Muslims and the Sikhs had come. Pir Pindo, a Muslim vill is attacked by Sikhs. Muslims in the vill are killed, their women gang- ravished. Men, women and children are mercilessly butchered. Women are so poorly treated and wearied that it's decided that the women and girls of Pir Pindo would gather at Choundhry’s house and pour kerosene canvas around the house to burn themselves. Only Ranna,, a small boy escapes. Ranna, wounded, runs for life when the Sikhs attack Pir Pindo. The butchery of Pir Pindo presents maybe the vilest side of collaborative disharmony. Ice-Candy Man as a novel of Partition. This occasion has been mentioned at length by Bapsi Sidhwa to punctuate and condemn the collaborative violence and partisanship “ There were too numerous unattractive and abando ned children like him scavenging in the pillaged houses and the debris of burnt-out structures. His enthusiasms adhering to his injuries, straw sticking in the scalped cranium, Ranna wondered through the lanes stealing chapattis and grain from houses bestrew with dead b odies digging the corses for anything he could use … No bone minded the semi-naked specter as he looked in doors with his knowing, wide- set peasant eyes.” Another case of this collaborative violence is manifested in the train occasion “ A train from Gurdaspur has just come … Everyone in it's dead … butchered … two gunny- bags full of women’s guts.” The women weren't only killed but first tortured, ravished and also butchered like creatures. This incident so horrifies Dilnawaz that his collaborative and obscurantist heartstrings are aroused. “ The collaborative delirium has a distorting effect on people and it leads to passions of reservations and mistrust. When there's news of trouble at Gurdaspur, the Ice- Delicacy- Man and his musketeers at formerly interpret it as “ There's willful butchering going on in Gurdaspur.” In the vitiated collaborative atmosphere, insanity prevails as ordinary men lose their rationality. This is stylish instanced in the rage of Ice- Delicacy- Man who states Ice-Candy Man as a novel of Partition.
‘I ’ll tell you to your face-I lose my senses when I suppose of the crippled bodies on that train from Gurdaspur … that might I went frenetic, I tell you, I lofted grenades through the windows of Hindus and Sikhs I ’d known all my life! I abominated their guts.’” Bapsi Sidwa highlights the collaborative disharmony plant in different communities through the dilemma and fear of the Parsi community “ If we're wedged with the Hindus they ’ll swipe our business from under our tips, and vend our grand fathers in the bargain if we're wedged with Muslims they ’ll convert us by the brand! And God help us if we're stuck with Sikhs.” At this moment, Colonel Bharucha allays the fears of his community by advising them to cast their lot with whoever rules Lahore “ Let whoever wishes rule! Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian! We'll abide by the rules of their land.” Bapsi Sidhwa in this new highlights and condemns the uncultivated station of the people who, dazed by their collaborative partisanship, rape and kill women. When the screams break out Ayah, the promoter, becomes a victim of the lust of the uncultivated and frenzied mob. Dilnawaz, the Ice- Delicacy- Man, leading the Muslim mob raids Godmother’s house in hunt of the Hindus. Frenetic with the rage, he throws Ayah into the hands of the frenzied mob “ They drag Ayah out. They drag her by arms … her bare bases – that want to move backwards-are forced forward. Her lips are drawn down from her teeth, and the defying wind of her throat opens her mouth like dead child’s laugh … Four men stand pressed against her … their lips stretched in triumphant grimances.” Force is the topmost violence because it implies that a woman has no right on her own body and it can be used by anyone. Similar acts of violence are an intimate destruction of the womanlike. Also the Sikh families are also attacked in Lahore. Sher Singh, the zoo attendant flees from
Ice-Candy Man as a novel of Partition.
Lahore, due to instability,
after his family-in- law is killed. Prakash and his family resettle to Delhi
and Rahool Singh and his suitable sisters are attended to a convoy to Amritsar.
The moneylender Kripa Ram flees leaving guineas and plutocrat before. Hari, the
gardener, is circumcised and converted to Islam for protection. Moti, the
sweeper, opts for Christianity, the Masseur is butchered grotesquely, requests
and houses are burnt and living beings are torn apart. Therefore Partition is
shown as a series of images and events depicting mortal loss and agony. The
disturbance of settled life is aptly revealed by Lenny “ Laho re is suddenly
voided of yet another antediluvian dimension there are no Brahmins with estate-
marks-or Hindus in dhoties with bodhis. Only crowds of Muslim Deportees.” When
Lenny learns that India is going to be broken, she has numerous unanswered
queries “ C an one break a country? And what happens if they break it where our
house is? Or crack it further over on Warris Road? How will I ever get to
Godmother’s also?” Though Lenny is thwarted by similar questions, she
gradationally becomes apprehensive of religious differences. She worriedly
remarks “ It's unforeseen. One day everybody is themselves – and the coming day
they're Hindus, Muslims, Sikh, Christians. People shrink, abating into
symbols.” At the jubilee of Holi, rather of spattering musketeers with bright
colours, people bespatter each other with blood. Bapsi Sidhwa artistically
shows the mortal loss in Partition “ Rather, surge upon scruffy surge of Muslim
deportees deluge Lahore – and the Punjab west of Lahore. Within three months
seven million Muslims and five million Hindus and Sikhs are pulled in the
largest and the most terrible exchange of population known to history. The
Punjab has been divided.” Ice-Candy Man as a novel of Partition.
Mushirul Hasan correctly
states “ The history books don't record the pain, trauma and mournings of those
who had to part from their kin, musketeers and neighbours, their heightening
nostalgia for places they had lived in for generations, the anguish of addicts
removed from their places of deification, and the harrowing gests of the
innumerous people who boarded trains allowing they would be transported to the
consummations of their dreams, but of whom not a man, woman or child survived
the trip.” “ The unwelcome literal event of Partition has left deep scars on
the psyche of people of both the countries – India and Pakistan.” Ice-Candy Man
as a novel of Partition. Sidhwa
describes how political leaders manipulate the ideals and induce passions of
reservations and mistrust in the psyche of the common man. “ Once collaborative
and obscurantist heartstrings are aroused, the social fabric is torn apart, leading
to flirter and reckless destruction. The new artistically describes the
careless Partition violence and focuses on its socio-literal consequences to
women. Ice- Delicacy- Man enables the anthology to understand the extent of the
trauma of Partition and review it in its literal environment, and therefore
suggestively delineates the fruitlessness of violence in individual and
collaborative lives.” Describing the horrors of Partition depicted in the
novel, Sylvia Clayton aptly remarks “ The colossal bouleversement of Partition,
when metropolises were distributed to India and Pakistan like pieces on a
chess- board, and their alarmed occupants were savagely pulled, runs like an
earth earthquake through this thoughtful novel.” Ice- Delicacy- Man is therefore
a narrative of bouleversement performing in a mass trauma and outpour, which
continues to hang the people of both the countries. “ It examines t he
inexorable sense of Partition as an offshoot of fundamentalism sparked by
hardening collaborative stations. It looks at Partition as a means of spreading
discord which redounded in delirium and chaos. The sense of violence and
poisonous abomination of musketeers who had accounted about the impossibility
of violence have harrowing impact on every character in the novel.” Bapsi
Sidhwa associates Partition with wrong and destruction. In this new Bapsi
Sidhwa artistically portrays the collaborative violence and partisanship which
redounded in mass trauma and outpour during Partition. In the novel she offers
her most eloquent and comprehensive response and perspective on the gospel,
testament and explanation of Partition. Ice-Candy Man as a novel of Partition.