Write a note in brief on important instruments of parliamentary control over executive in India

The instruments of parliamentary procedure are the tools and rules used to conduct business in a parliamentary setting, such as in a legislative body or other decision-making organization. Some important instruments of parliamentary procedure include:

Rules of Order: These are the formal procedures and protocols that govern the conduct of business in a parliamentary setting.

Write a note in brief on important instruments of parliamentary control over executive in India

Agenda: A formal list of items to be discussed or acted upon at a meeting.

Minutes: A formal written record of the proceedings of a meeting, including decisions made, actions taken, and votes cast.

Motions: A proposal made by a member of a parliamentary body to take action or make a decision on a particular matter.

Amendments: A proposed change to a motion or other proposal, which can be adopted or rejected by the parliamentary body.

Points of Order: A parliamentary rule that allows members to raise objections to violations of the rules of order or other parliamentary procedures.

Quorum: The minimum number of members required to be present in order for a parliamentary body to conduct business.

Voting: The process by which members of a parliamentary body cast their votes on motions and other proposals.

Committees: Small groups of members that are appointed to study specific issues or proposals in more detail and make recommendations to the larger body.

These instruments of parliamentary procedure are essential for maintaining order, fairness, and efficiency in decision-making processes within parliamentary settings.

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In India, the Parliament exercises control over the executive branch of government through various instruments. Some of the important instruments of parliamentary control over the executive in India are:

1.      Question Hour: In this instrument, Members of Parliament (MPs) can ask questions of ministers, seeking information or clarification on matters of public importance. This helps to ensure transparency and accountability of the executive.

2.      Motions: MPs can move various types of motions in Parliament, such as a no-confidence motion, calling attention motion, adjournment motion, and a censure motion, to express their dissatisfaction with the functioning of the government.

3.      Debates: MPs can initiate debates on important issues, allowing them to raise concerns and offer suggestions to the government.

4.      Committees: Parliamentary committees are set up to examine bills, budgets, and other policy matters in detail. These committees consist of MPs and can summon ministers and officials to provide evidence and clarify their positions on various issues.

5.      Resolutions: MPs can also move resolutions on important issues, expressing their views and recommendations to the government.

6.      Interpellation: This instrument allows MPs to seek information from the government on matters of public importance, and the government is bound to provide the information.

7.      Budgetary control: Parliament exercises control over the budget of the government through its approval of the annual budget and its scrutiny of government spending.

Overall, these instruments of parliamentary control over the executive in India play a vital role in ensuring that the government is accountable and responsive to the needs and concerns of the people.

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